Orcina news

Here you will find the latest news on the development of OrcaFlex. Alongside our LinkedIn page, it is a valuable source of information about what we are up to!

OrcaFlex 11.1 user group meetings

As previously announced, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are running our OrcaFlex user group meetings as virtual webinars. Now that version 11.1 has been released we can announce that these webinars will take place in the middle of March.

These webinars will cover all the new features introduced in version 11.1 of OrcaFlex and OrcaWave. There is a lot of content to cover. Because long online meetings can be quite demanding, we have decided to split the content into three separate webinars. We will deliver each one of these three webinars twice in the same day, so hopefully most users can attend.

We anticipate that each webinar will be around one hour in duration, and attendees will be able to ask questions. Recordings of the webinars will be available on our website.

We are running the webinars over Zoom. You will need to register for whichever webinars you wish to attend, using the links below. Zoom webinars can be attended using the Zoom client, or directly from the browser if you do not have the Zoom client.

We know that no webinar can be as engaging as an in-person meeting, but we will do our best to make it interesting. We look forward to catching up with our regular user group attendees, and hopefully some first timers too!

OrcaFlex restart analysis

This webinar will cover the new restart analysis feature. Supporting functionality including change tracking and enhanced analysis data will also be introduced.

16th March 2021
0900 GMT
16th March 2021
1700 GMT

OrcaWave new features

This webinar will introduce the new features in OrcaWave, our diffraction analysis program.

17th March 2021
0900 GMT
17th March 2021
1700 GMT

OrcaFlex new features (apart from restart analysis)

Having covered restart analysis separately, this webinar introduces all the other new features in OrcaFlex 11.1.

18th March 2021
0900 GMT
18th March 2021
1700 GMT

OrcaFlex 11.1 released

We are very pleased to announce the release of OrcaFlex version 11.1. The software was finalised and built on 12th February. We originally planned to release 11.1 in Q4 of 2020. However, we delayed the release in order to complete the restart analysis development. We plan to make the next release in the traditional Q4 slot, later this year.

All clients with up-to-date MUS contracts will receive, in the week starting 22nd February, an e-mail with instructions on how to download the new version.

Version 11.1 introduces much new functionality, including:

These are the most significant developments, in our opinion. As always there are more enhancements that are not listed here. All new features are fully documented in the what’s new topics:

Continue reading “OrcaFlex 11.1 released”

OrcaFlex 11.0g released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.0g. Version 11.0g fixes a number of bugs in both OrcaFlex and OrcaWave. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation:

We recommend that all users of 11.0 upgrade to 11.0g.

A patch to upgrade from earlier 11.0 releases can be downloaded here. The full installation program can also be downloaded from your Orcina download page. Please contact us if you do not have the link to your Orcina download page.

OrcaFlex training update

The past year has been a time of much change and, along with many other businesses, we have had to adapt the way that we work. One of the biggest changes we’ve made has been in terms of how we deliver OrcaFlex training to our clients.

In the past, our training courses were almost always conducted on a face-to-face basis, which has clearly not been possible in recent months. Instead, we decided to start offering remote training courses, conducted via screen-sharing with one of our trainers. Although there are always some limitations with this type of training, we have been excited to discover that remote training can also offer advantages over more conventional options.

Traditionally, face-to-face OrcaFlex training would be held over two or three full days, which can be quite intensive for both trainer and trainees. We felt that the nature of remote training meant that full-day sessions may not be as productive as in a face-to-face course – with this in mind, we typically offer remote training as a series of half-day sessions. These half-day sessions can be held on consecutive days but, more typically, the overall course is split into two phases with a few days break in between. This increased flexibility has been beneficial in many cases, as it allows the client more freedom in choosing dates for the course.

Probably the most obvious advantage of remote training is that it allows us to easily present training courses to users in different parts of the world. Historically, presenting a training course to a company located in another continent meant some serious air miles for the trainer. This is expensive, in terms of time, money and the environment. Of course, there are no such limitations for a remote course, as long as a mutually convenient time can be found – and having half-day sessions makes it much easier to schedule sessions for locations that are in very different time-zones from us here in the UK.

The logistics of organising a face-to-face training course, e.g. flights, hotels etc, can also be time-consuming, which means that face-to-face courses often have to be planned a relatively long time in advance. Remote training courses require much less logistical planning and so we can generally be far more responsive to training requests (as long as we have a trainer available).

In the past, we have always provided OrcaFlex licences for use during the training, if required. For remote training courses, we achieve this through electronic licensing (via FlexNet). Using electronic licensing allows us to easily activate OrcaFlex licences for use during each session. We typically allow the licences to remain active for some time after each session, to give the trainees more time to experiment with OrcaFlex. This approach seems to work well in combination with the half-day training sessions, as it allows the trainees to continue to work on models between the formal sessions.

We have not yet held an Open Training course using the remote format ourselves (although our colleagues in North America have done so), but this is something that we plan to do early in 2021 – please keep an eye on the Training page of our website (https://www.orcina.com/support/training/) for the most up-to-date information.

Finally, in addition to offering training courses, we are also in the process of developing a series of training course videos, to take you through the basics of using OrcaFlex. These can also be accessed from our website – see the Introduction to OrcaFlex section on the Videos page (https://www.orcina.com/resources/videos/). At the moment, only four basic introductory videos are available, but we will be adding to these over the coming months.

OrcaFlex 11.1 release schedule

We aim to release a major OrcaFlex update in Q4 of each year. This year we are not going to achieve this goal, and version 11.1 will now be released early in 2021. We hope and expect that we will be able to do this in January or February.

The most significant new feature in 11.1 will be restart analysis. We are excited to be adding restarts, and development is very well advanced and progressing smoothly. However, it is such a broad feature, and impacts almost all existing functionality in the program, that development and testing has taken a long time. We considered releasing 11.1 without restarts in Q4 2020 to fit in with our schedule goals. We decided that it is preferable to delay the release a couple of months and ensure that restart analysis is included.

As well as delaying the OrcaFlex release, we have decided also to push the user group meetings into the new year. As previously announced these will be virtual because of the pandemic. Our intention is that these meetings will run around the same time as the OrcaFlex release.

Continue reading “OrcaFlex 11.1 release schedule”

OrcaFlex 11.0f released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.0f. Version 11.0f fixes a number of bugs in both OrcaFlex and OrcaWave. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation:

We recommend that all users of 11.0 upgrade to 11.0f.

A patch to upgrade from earlier 11.0 releases can be downloaded here. The full installation program can also be downloaded from your Orcina download page. Please contact us if you do not have the link to your Orcina download page.

OrcaFlex 11.0e released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.0e. Version 11.0e fixes a number of bugs in both OrcaFlex and OrcaWave. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation:

We recommend that all users of 11.0 upgrade to 11.0e.

A patch to upgrade from earlier 11.0 releases can be downloaded here. The full installation program can also be downloaded from your Orcina download page. Please contact us if you do not have the link to your Orcina download page.

OrcaFlex 2020 user group meetings

We have decided, in light of the Coronavirus pandemic, that this year we will not run our annual series of OrcaFlex user group meetings in person. These events require significant advance planning and unfortunately there is just too much uncertainty to do that.

Instead of physical meetings we will run virtual meetings as webinars. We have not finalised details for these yet, but we expect to run them in October or November, to coincide with the release of OrcaFlex 11.1.

It is a shame that we won’t be able to meet in person this year. However, one benefit of virtual meetings is that they will be available to users who are not located in the venues that we visit for our physical meetings.

Please watch out for notification of these meetings later in the year. We look forward to seeing you then (virtually!) and sharing with you the new developments in our software.

OrcaFlex 11.0d released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.0d. Version 11.0d introduces some minor new functionality and fixes a number of bugs. In addition, we have made a number of significant performance improvements for OrcaWave calculations. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation:

We recommend that all users of 11.0 upgrade to 11.0d.

A patch to upgrade from 11.0a, 11.0b or 11.0c to 11.0d can be downloaded here. The full installation program can also be downloaded from your Orcina download page. Please contact us if you do not have the link to your Orcina download page.

Changes to our service due to Coronavirus

We are sure that many of our clients, like us, are experiencing significant changes in their day-to-day lives in these difficult times.

Those of you who have been in touch with us recently will already have realised that we are now almost exclusively home-working. This means that we are no longer offering face-to-face training or customer visits. However, we are continuing to offer our normal technical support service. We are not currently able to offer technical support over the telephone, but would be more than happy to respond to any queries through email.

We are also still able to ship out dongles for those setting up new OrcaFlex licenses and apply dongle updates (e.g. activating or de-activating a lease, licence transfer, or adding new licences). However, to limit the requirement for a staff presence in our office, this service will only be available on Mondays and Wednesdays. We appreciate that this may be slightly inconvenient in some circumstances and ask for your patience and understanding.

Finally, we hope that you, and your friends and families, stay safe and healthy, wherever you are in the world