Orcina news

Here you will find the latest news on the development of OrcaFlex. Alongside our LinkedIn page, it is a valuable source of information about what we are up to!

Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Text labels on 3D views

It’s been a little while since we posted in our series on upcoming developments for version 10.2. We’ve been busy finishing off development for the release, and hosting our annual series of user group meetings.

OrcaFlex 10.2 is very nearly ready to be released and we expect this to happen in the next fortnight. In the meantime this post introduces two new features that enable text labels to be displayed in 3D views.

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OrcaFlex 10.1e released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 10.1e. This minor upgrade fixes the following bugs:

  • In earlier OrcaFlex versions, when importing vessel type data from AQWA, both difference frequency QTFs and sum frequency QTFs were conjugated upon import. After feedback from users, we now have a more complete understanding of the AQWA QTF output conventions and load calculation. With this release, OrcaFlex no longer conjugates the sum frequency QTF values. We believe that this change ensures that the QTF load calculations performed by OrcaFlex match those performed by AQWA. If existing simulations need to be run again because of this issue, note that OrcaFlex sum frequency QTF load will only change if the AQWA QTF data are first re-imported into OrcaFlex.
  • For frequency domain analysis, the ZZ Stress process reported through the API, could be 180° out of phase. The error only arises when using a nonlinear Young’s modulus, and for sections of line in mean compressive stress.
  • The Line Type Wizard for Umbilicals calculated EA and EI incorrectly if the model force units were not set to kN.
  • Previously, when conducting a frequency domain solve, at low or combined solution frequencies, the analysis could fail and present an Argument out of range error message. This affected models containing vessel types with no wave drift QTF data present.
  • The bulk modulus data for 3D buoys, 6D buoys and lines specifies the compressibility of the object. When the fluid pressure exceeds the bulk modulus, the formula for compressed volume breaks down and OrcaFlex uses a value of zero. Unfortunately, the related code that calculates variation of compressed volume with depth does not handle this case correctly which in turn leads to statics and dynamics calculations failing. This problem affected line objects from 9.1a, and buoy objects from 10.0a.
  • For frequency domain analysis, the external load on 6D lumped buoys associated with a dynamic change in the proportion wet was 180° out of phase. This only affected 6D lumped buoys that were partially submerged, i.e. surface piercing, in the static state.
  • Fatigue analysis based on frequency domain simulations did not take account of stress loading factors.
  • The extreme statistics results diagnostic quantile plots were not being drawn correctly for the Weibull distribution. Specifically, the fitted model quantiles (along the x-axis) were calculated incorrectly. These plots are intended to provide support (or otherwise) for your choice of fitted distribution, so this bug might have influenced your interpretation of the validity of this choice.

A patch to upgrade from earlier releases of 10.1 is available. If you would prefer to receive version 10.1e on CD please contact us.

Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: New line clearance results

Continuing our series of posts on upcoming developments for version 10.2, we consider a number of enhancements to the line clearance results.

Historically, OrcaFlex has offered results reporting the clearance between lines. These results report the shortest distance, in 3D space, between lines. Results are available for clearance between centrelines or between contact surfaces. Some OrcaFlex applications, for example riser / pipeline crossing analysis, call for clearance distances measured horizontally or vertically. A number of new results variables have been introduced in 10.2 to address these requirements.

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Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Support and constraint release

Continuing our series of posts on upcoming developments for version 10.2, we consider a couple of enhancements to the support and constraint objects.

OrcaFlex objects can be connected to each other, so that the connected objects move together. In addition, certain types of connections can be released at defined points in the simulation. For example, line, link and winch connections can all be configured to release at the beginning of a specified stage in the simulation. Version 10.2 introduces the same capability for supports and constraints.

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Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Vessels and 3D buoys can be slave objects

Continuing our series of posts on upcoming developments for version 10.2, let’s now look at a further relaxation of the rules relating to object connectivity.

In version 10.0 we made it possible to connect lines to lines and to form chains of connections, e.g. 6D buoy1 is connected to 6D buoy2, which in turn is connected to 6D buoy3 etc. In version 10.1 the constraint object was introduced, and mid-line connections were enabled.

In version 10.2 it will be possible to connect both vessels and 3D buoy objects as slaves of other objects.

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Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Coupled object modal analysis

Continuing our series of posts on upcoming developments for version 10.2, we now move to an important enhancement to modal analysis. This development has aspects in common with another new feature, line statics policy, which we have discussed in an earlier post.

OrcaFlex modal analysis calculates modes for individual lines or for the entire system. The individual line option is commonly used to generate mode shapes for use in an external VIV analysis program like SHEAR7 or VIVA. Modal analysis for an individual line is based on the assumption that the line end nodes are fixed, and the remaining nodes in the line have freedom. For many riser or umbilical configurations it is perfectly reasonable to use these modes in a VIV analysis. However, there are some systems for which this approach is not appropriate, and the new coupled object modal analysis feature is intended to addresses this limitation.

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Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Line statics policy

Continuing our series of posts on upcoming developments for version 10.2, we look at some enhancements to static analysis.

Version 10.0 relaxed the rules for connecting objects together, one aspect of which was allowing lines to be connected to other lines. This new flexibility had a number of consequences for static analysis of lines. In version 10.0, these consequences were dealt with in a very simple manner and in many situations that approach worked perfectly adequately. However, some models that took advantage of more general connectivity proved difficult to handle in static analysis. In version 10.2 we have introduced some new functionality to address these issues.

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Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Compound properties report

Continuing our series of posts on upcoming developments for version 10.2, we will take a look at a relatively simple, yet frequently requested enhancement to model building.

Complex structures are often modelled in OrcaFlex using multiple objects that are connected together. A common example would be a manifold modelled using a combination of lumped buoys and single segment lines, all connected together so as to move as one rigid object. When building such a model, there is plenty of scope for error. For instance, it is easy to forget to account for some part of the structure, or equally to double count parts of the structure. A common way to detect such mistakes is to calculate the combined mass, volume, centre of mass, centre of volume, etc. and compare with known values.

Previously, OrcaFlex did not offer any functionality to calculate these compound properties, but version 10.2 will address that.

Continue reading “Upcoming in OrcaFlex 10.2: Compound properties report”

Distributed OrcaFlex 6.0a released

We have just released Distributed OrcaFlex 6.0a which you can download from the Distributed OrcaFlex web page.

The significant change introduced in this release is the ability to run more than one Distributed OrcaFlex (DOF) Client process on the same computer. The motivation for the change is to support machines with very large numbers of processors. Machines with more than 64 processors have the processors split into processor groups. Each DOF Client can only use processors from a single group. For previous versions, there was a single DOF Client process per machine and so that process could only use processors from a single group. Allowing multiple DOF Client processes on a single machine enables full use of the processing capacity of that machine.

As well as the issue of processor groups, machines with large numbers of processors usually use NUMA memory architecture. In order to make the best use of such machines, programs need to make sure that memory is allocated on the NUMA node which contains the processors that use that memory.

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