Orcina news

Here you will find the latest news on the development of OrcaFlex. Alongside our LinkedIn page, it is a valuable source of information about what we are up to!

OrcaFlex 11.3g released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.3g. Version 11.3g fixes a number of bugs and adds some minor functionality, including: Support has been added for SHEAR7 version 4.12. Python external functions, post calculation actions and user defined results now support the latest version of Python, version 3.12. Full details of the […]


Distributed OrcaFlex 8.0a released

We have just released Distributed OrcaFlex 8.0a which you can download from the Distributed OrcaFlex page. This is a major update containing the following changes: New job list views There are now two tabs to view the list of jobs with different perspectives: Active The active list displays only the running or waiting jobs, the […]


Update to wind turbine controller examples

We have recently made some updates to our set of wind turbine controller examples, which is now available to download from the new Orcina GitHub page. The main change is the addition of a native controller wrapper example. This takes the form of a C++ DLL, having the same functionality as the existing Python wrapper. […]


OrcaWave – working with meshes

We have recently uploaded a new technical note to our website titled OrcaWave – working with meshes. The document focuses on the use of panel meshes in our diffraction analysis tool OrcaWave. We describe the link between mesh refinement and results quality. Furthermore we discuss how features such as symmetry conditions, calculation method and meshing […]


OrcaFlex 11.3f released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.3f. Version 11.3f fixes a number of bugs, and makes further performance improvements for processing of multiple jobs on machines with large numbers of processors. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation: OrcaFlex OrcaWave We recommend that all users of 11.3 upgrade […]


OrcaFlex 11.3e released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.3e. Version 11.3e fixes a number of bugs, and addresses a performance issue for batch processing of multiple jobs on machines with large numbers of processors. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation: OrcaFlex OrcaWave We recommend that all users of 11.3 […]


OrcaFlex 11.3d released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.3d. Version 11.3d fixes a number of bugs, including a significant bug affecting the contents density results variable when using the line slug flow contents method. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation: OrcaFlex OrcaWave We recommend that all users of 11.3 […]


Updates to wind turbine resources

We have recently made some updates to the wind turbine resources available on our website. Firstly, one of our most popular OrcaFlex modelling examples – K03 15MW semi-sub FOWT – has been revised to reflect the latest IEA 15MW reference wind turbine (RWT) design: version 1.1.3. The rotor, nacelle and tower updates have been made […]


OrcaFlex 11.3c released

We have just released a minor upgrade to OrcaFlex, version 11.3c. Version 11.3c fixes a number of bugs, including a significant bug affecting certain results variables when using the new tabular contents feature. Full details of the changes are described in the documentation: OrcaFlex OrcaWave We recommend that all users of 11.3 upgrade to 11.3c. […]


Distributed OrcaFlex 7.0a released

We have just released Distributed OrcaFlex 7.0a which you can download from the Distributed OrcaFlex page. This is a major update containing the following changes: DOF can now handle simulation restarts. Restart parents are identified in the DOF Viewer when submitting a batch of jobs and the DOF Server will ensure that the dependency chain […]
