
C_CalculateRratio calculates R ratio values from cycle range and associated mean.

void C_CalculateRratio(

int CycleCount,

const double *lpRange,

const double *lpAssociatedMean,

double *lpRratio,

int *lpStatus



CycleCount (IN)

The number of cycle ranges.

lpRange (IN)

Points to an array of cycle range values of length CycleCount.

lpAssociatedMean (IN)

Points to an array of corresponding mean values of length CycleCount.

Typically the cycle ranges and associated means would be obtained by calling C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2 passing thstRainflowAssociatedMean.

lpRratio (OUT)

Points to an array of length CycleCount in which the R ratio values are returned.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also
