
C_CalculateTimeSeriesStatistics estimates summary statistics for a regularly sampled time series.

void C_CalculateTimeSeriesStatistics(

double *lpValues,

int Count,

double SampleInterval,

TTimeSeriesStatistics *lpStatistics,

int *lpStatus



lpValues (IN)

Points to the beginning of the array of values of the time series. Typically, but not necessarily, this will be generated by a call to C_GetTimeHistory2.

Count (IN)

The number of values in the array. Count must be greater than zero.

SampleInterval (IN)

The interval in seconds between each consecutive sample of the time series.

lpStatistics (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the summary statistics will be returned.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also
