
C_CloseLinkedStatistics frees the internal memory that was created by a successful call to C_OpenLinkedStatistics2. When you have finished calling C_QueryLinkedStatistics and C_CalculateLinkedStatisticsTimeSeriesStatistics you should call this procedure. If the original call to C_OpenLinkedStatistics2 failed and returned an error in the lpStatus parameter then this procedure should not be called. After a successful call to C_CloseLinkedStatistics the specified StatisticsHandle is no longer valid.

void C_CloseLinkedStatistics(

TOrcFxAPIHandle StatisticsHandle,

int *lpStatus



StatisticsHandle (IN)

Handle to the linked statistics information which was created by the call to C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_CalculateLinkedStatisticsTimeSeriesStatistics, C_OpenLinkedStatistics2, C_QueryLinkedStatistics.