
Call C_CreateClone to create a new object that is a clone of another source object. The newly created cloned object will have identical data to the source object.

The newly created object is created in the same model as the source object. If you wish to create the new object in a different model, use C_CreateClone2 instead.

If you need to clone multiple objects, or browser groups, use C_CreateClone3 instead.

void C_CreateClone(

TOrcFxAPIHandle SourceObjectHandle,

TOrcFxAPIHandle *lpClonedObjectHandle,

int *lpStatus



SourceObjectHandle (IN)

The handle to the object to be cloned.

lpClonedObjectHandle (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the new cloned object's handle will be returned.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.


If you are maintaining a list of objects associated with this model handle, you must update it to include the new object created by this procedure.

See also

C_CreateClone2, C_CreateClone3, C_CreateObject, C_DestroyObject.