
Call C_CreateCycleHistogramBins to derive a histogram from a series of half cycles. Typically these half cycles will be generated by performing rainflow cycle counting on a time history.

void C_CreateCycleHistogramBins(

int HalfCycleCount,

double *lpHalfCycleRanges,

double BinSize,

int *lpBinCount,

TCycleBin **lpBins,

int *lpStatus



HalfCycleCount (IN)

The number of half cycles.

lpHalfCycleRanges (IN)

An array containing the half cycles to be binned. The length of the array is specified by the HalfCycleCount parameter.

BinSize (IN)

The size of each bin in the histogram. Pass a value of OrcinaDefaultReal() to have OrcaFlex choose a default bin size based on the range of the data and the total number of cycles.

lpBinCount (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the number of bins will be returned.

lpBins (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the bins will be returned. The bins are returned in an array of length *lpBinCount.

Note that the memory for the bins is allocated by C_CreateCycleHistogramBins and so when you have finished using the bins, you should call C_DestroyCycleHistogramBins to free this memory.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.


If the function call succeeds, you must call C_DestroyCycleHistogramBins to free the memory allocated.

See also

TCycleBin, C_DestroyCycleHistogramBins.