
C_EnumerateObjects is called to obtain a list of all objects in the model. The callback function EnumerateObjectsProc is called once for each object in the model and is passed information about that object. If you just wish to find out how many objects there are in the model then pass NULL for the EnumerateObjectsProc parameter.

void C_EnumerateObjects(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ModelHandle,

TEnumerateObjectsProc EnumerateObjectsProc,

int *lpNumOfObjects,

int *lpStatus



ModelHandle (IN)

The handle of the model.

EnumerateObjectsProc (IN)

A callback function to handle enumeration of the model. This callback function is called once for each object in the model. You can pass NULL for this parameter if you only want to find out how many objects there are in the model.

lpNumOfObjects (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the number of objects in the model is returned. The callback function EnumerateObjectsProc will be called this many times – once for each object in the model.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_EnumerateObjectsW and the ANSI function name is C_EnumerateObjectsA.

See also
