
C_GetCompoundProperties reports overall properties for a collection of objects.

void C_GetCompoundProperties(

int ObjectCount,

TOrcFxAPIHandle *lpObjects,

TOrcFxAPIHandle ReferenceObject,

LPCTSTR lpReferencePoint,

TCompoundProperties *lpProperties,

int *lpStatus



ObjectCount (IN)

The length of the lpObjects array.

lpObjects (IN)

Pointer to an array of object handles that specifies the collection of objects whose properties are to be returned.

ReferenceObject (IN)

Properties are reported with respect to this object's axes. If no reference object is specified (i.e. NULL is passed), then the default reference object and point are used.

The default reference object is an object at the root of one of the connection trees. The connection trees are determined by the connections between the specified objects. If object A is connected to object B, then object B is the parent object. A root object is one with no parent. If there are multiple root objects in the array of specified objects, then the choice of default object is made arbitrarily. Consequently, you should only use the default reference object when there is a single root object.

lpReferencePoint (IN)

Some objects have multiple axis systems, for instance line end A and end B. Pass the name of the point to specify which of the axis systems is used. For example:

The reference point is only used if a reference object is specified. If no reference object is specified, the default reference point is used. This is "end A" for lines and links, and "connection 1" for winches.

lpProperties (IN)

Points to a structure in which the properties will be returned.

Before calling C_GetCompoundProperties, set the Size member of the TCompoundProperties structure to sizeof(TCompoundProperties).

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_GetCompoundPropertiesW and the ANSI function name is C_GetCompoundPropertiesA.

See also
