
Call C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsFromProcess to obtain frequency domain results from a process. The model must use the frequency domain dynamics solution method and be in the simulation complete state.

Typically frequency domain results would be extracted using C_GetFrequencyDomainResults. The intended scenario for C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsFromProcess is where the process supplied is a linear combination of processes obtained by calls to C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsProcess.

void C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsFromProcess(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ModelHandle,

int ComponentCount,

const TComplex *lpProcess,

TFrequencyDomainResults *lpValue,

int *lpStatus



ModelHandle (IN)

The handle of the model.

ComponentCount (IN)

The number of components.

lpProcess (IN)

The process, an array of complex numbers of length ComponentCount.

lpValue (OUT)

Points to a TFrequencyDomainResults variable in which the frequency domain results will be returned.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_GetFrequencyDomainResults, C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsProcess, C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraphFromProcess, C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralResponseGraphFromProcess.