
Call C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraph to extract spectral density results.

void C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraph(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

const TObjectExtra2 *lpObjectExtra,

int VarID,

int *lpNumOfGraphPoints,

TGraphCurve *lpGraph,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

The handle of the object for which you want spectral density results.

lpObjectExtra (IN)

Points to a TObjectExtra2 variable which specifies where on the object results are required. Can be NULL if no additional information is needed.

VarID (IN)

Specifies the OrcaFlex variable for which the time history results are requested. Call C_GetVarID to obtain a VarID from a variable name.

lpNumOfGraphPoints (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the total number of graph points is returned.

lpGraph (OUT)

Points to a structure in which the spectral density graph will be returned.

The X values for the curve are returned in the block of memory pointed to by the lpX member. Similarly the Y values for the curve are returned in lpY.

It is the caller's responsibility to allocate (and deallocate) the memory pointed to by lpX and lpY. To find out how much memory to allocate call C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraph passing NULL as the lpGraph parameter and use the value returned in lpNumOfGraphPoints to determine how much memory to allocate. Both lpX and lpY must point to arrays of length *lpNumOfGraphPoints.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraphW and the ANSI function name is C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraphA.

See also

TObjectExtra2, TGraphCurve, C_GetVarID, C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraphFromProcess.