
Call C_GetRangeGraphNumOfPoints3 to find out how many points there are in a range graph. This is needed to allocate memory for the results of calls to C_GetRangeGraph4.

int C_GetRangeGraphNumOfPoints3(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

const TPeriod *lpPeriod,

const TArclengthRange *lpArclengthRange,

int VarID,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

The handle of the object for which you want range graph results. This must be the handle of a line or turbine.

lpPeriod (IN)

Points to a TPeriod variable which specifies the period of the simulation over which results are to be extracted.

lpArclengthRange (IN)

Points to a TArclengthRange variable which specifies the arclength ranges for which results are to be extracted. If NULL is passed then results will be extracted for the entire line or turbine blade.

VarID (IN)

Specifies the OrcaFlex variable for which the range graph results are requested. Call C_GetVarID to obtain a VarID from a variable name.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Return Value

The number of points in the range graph.

See also

C_GetRangeGraph4, C_GetRangeGraphCurveNames.