
C_GetSimulationDrawTime retrieves the model's simulation draw time.

The simulation draw time controls the way C_CreateModel3DViewBitmap, C_SaveModel3DViewBitmapMem and C_SaveModel3DViewBitmapToFile behave. These functions draw an OrcaFlex model and the simulation time used for this drawing is controlled by this function. This allows you to produce drawings of the OrcaFlex model at a number of different points of a simulation. The C_SetSimulationDrawTime function can be called to set the current value of simulation draw time.

double C_GetSimulationDrawTime(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ModelHandle,

int *lpStatus



ModelHandle (IN)

The handle of the model.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Return Value

The current value of simulation draw time. See C_SetSimulationDrawTime for details.

See Also

C_CreateModel3DViewBitmap, C_SaveModel3DViewBitmapMem, C_SaveModel3DViewBitmapToFile, C_SetSimulationDrawTime.