
Note: C_GetStaticResult has been superseded by C_GetStaticResult2. We recommend that any new code you write uses C_GetStaticResult2.

Call C_GetStaticResult to extract static results. This function must be called after calling C_CalculateStatics and before resetting the model (by loading a new model or changing the data).

Calling this function is equivalent to calling C_GetTimeHistory with the PeriodNum member of lpPeriod set to pnStaticState.

void C_GetStaticResult(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

const TObjectExtra *lpObjectExtra,

int VarID,

double *lpValue,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

See the ObjectHandle parameter of C_GetStaticResult2.

lpObjectExtra (IN)

Points to a TObjectExtra variable which specifies where on the object results are required. Can be NULL if no additional information is needed.

VarID (IN)

See the VarID parameter of C_GetStaticResult2.

lpValue (OUT)

See the lpValue parameter of C_GetStaticResult2.

lpStatus (OUT)

See the lpStatus parameter of C_GetStaticResult2.

See also

TObjectExtra, C_CalculateStatics, C_GetStaticResult2.