
C_GetTimeHistorySummaryValues is called to retrieve the time history summary values. A call to C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2 must have been made before calling this function.

The values are returned as 2 arrays containing X,Y pairs specifying a curve (X[0],Y[0]), (X[1],Y[1]), (X[2],Y[2]), ..., (X[N-1],Y[N-1]).

Following the call to C_GetTimeHistorySummaryValues you should call C_DestroyTimeHistorySummary to tidy up memory allocated by the call to C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2.

void C_GetTimeHistorySummaryValues(

TOrcFxAPIHandle TimeHistorySummaryHandle,

double *lpX,

double *lpY,

int *lpStatus



TimeHistorySummaryHandle (IN)

The time history summary handle returned by a successful call to C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2.

lpX (OUT)

Points to an array of double of length N, where N is the number of sumary samples as returned by the lpNumOfSummaryValues parameter of the C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2 function.

The function populates the array with the X values.

lpY (OUT)

Points to an array of double of length N, where N is the number of sumary samples as returned by the lpNumOfSummaryValues parameter of the C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2 function.

The function populates the array with the Y values.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2, C_DestroyTimeHistorySummary.