
Call C_LoadDiffractionDataMem to load diffraction data, held in memory, into a diffraction object.

void C_LoadDiffractionDataMem(

TOrcFxAPIHandle DiffractionHandle,

int DataFileType,

const unsigned char *lpBuffer,

int64_t BufferLen,

int *lpStatus



DiffractionHandle (IN)

The diffraction handle returned by C_CreateDiffraction.

DataFileType (IN)

Either dftBinary or dftText, to indicate whether the buffer contains data in binary or text format.

lpBuffer (IN)

Pointer to the buffer.

BufferLen (IN)

The length of the buffer.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_LoadDiffractionData, C_LoadDiffractionResults, C_LoadDiffractionResultsMem, C_SaveDiffractionData, C_SaveDiffractionDataMem, C_SaveDiffractionResults and C_SaveDiffractionResultsMem.