
Call C_UseVirtualLogging to use speed-up post-processing of simulation files, in certain scenarios.

void C_UseVirtualLogging(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ModelHandle,

int *lpStatus



ModelHandle (IN)

The handle of the model.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.


OrcaFlex use log files to store the logged values from a simulation. Log files are either held in memory or stored in temporary disk files. An OrcaFlex simulation file essentially comprises the data file and the log file: when OrcaFlex saves a simulation, the log file is copied to the simulation file.

When post-processing results it is often more efficient to avoid the creation of a log file and simply read the log directly from the simulation file – this is known as virtual logging.

Virtual logging is particularly beneficial when post-processing multiple simulation files in parallel. This is because virtual logging avoids overloading the file I/O system of the machine with multiple simulataneous reads of large simulation files. Instead small blocks of data are read on demand which often proves to be more efficient.

In addition, if you are only extracting results for a relatively short period of time (where relative means in comparison with the entire simulation duration) then virtual logging is usually more efficient. In such a scenario it is wasteful to read the entire simulation file when you only wish to extract results for a small portion of it and virtual logging takes advantage of this. OrcaFlex uses virtual logging when performing fatigue analyses.

You must call C_UseVirtualLogging before loading a simulation file. Once you have enabled virtual logging for a model, you will not be able to run, save or extend simulation files since these actions are not compatible with virtual logging.

See also
