
The SolveEquationCalcYProc function is an application-defined callback function that is used by C_SolveEquation. This function implements the function Y(X). C_SolveEquation solves equations of the form Y(X) = TargetY where Y(X) is this callback function and TargetY is a parameter of C_SolveEquation. This function is called repeatedly as C_SolveEquation searches for a solution.

double __stdcall SolveEquationCalcYProc(


double X,

int *lpCallBackStatus



Data (IN)

The application defined value that was passed to C_SolveEquation.

X (IN)

The latest estimate of X.

lpCallBackStatus (IN/OUT)

Points to a int variable which determines whether the function has been calculated successfully.

When SolveEquationCalcYProc is called the variable has value stOK. If Y(X) is successfully calculated then leave this variable unaltered. If you wish to cancel the calculation then you should set this variable to stOperationCancelled. If Y(X) cannot be calculated you should set this variable to a value other than stOK to indicate why the calculation failed. You can define your own status constants with values above stUserDefinedError and use these.

Return value

The value Y(X). If lpCallbackStatus is set to a value other than stOK then this value is ignored by C_SolveEquation.

See also
