
The TFrequencyDomainProcessComponent structure contains the properties of a frequency domain process component. This information is returned from C_GetFrequencyDomainProcessComponents.

typedef struct {

int ProcessType;

int ProcessIndex;

double Frequency;

double FrequencyLowerBound;

double FrequencyUpperBound;

} TFrequencyDomainProcessComponent;



One of iptWave, iptWind or iptWaveDrift. Identifies the type of independent process in which this component is contained.


Identifies the independent process in which this component is contained. All components with the same index are from the same independent process. The lowest index value is always zero.


The frequency of the component.

FrequencyLowerBound, FrequencyUpperBound

For a component in spectral process, the component represents a frequency interval. The FrequencyLowerBound and FrequencyUpperBound fields define this interval. For components that are not defined by a frequency spectrum (e.g. regular wave components, user-specified wave components) then these fields are set to OrcinaUndefinedReal().

See also
