
The TSolveEquationParameters data structure holds the convergence parameters used by C_SolveEquation.

typedef struct {

int Size;

int MaxNumberOfIterations;

double Tolerance;

double MaxStep;

double Delta;

} TSolveEquationParameters;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TSolveEquationParameters) before calling a function with a TSolveEquationParameters parameter.


The maximum number of steps that the C_SolveEquation will use when trying to solve the given equation.


This controls the accuracy of the solution. C_SolveEquation searches for a value of X which satisfies | Y(X) - TargetY | < Tolerance.


This limits the change in X value from one iteration to the next in C_SolveEquation. When C_SolveEquation choose new values of X it will not choose a value more than MaxStep away from the previous value of X.


This is a perturbation size, used to calculate the derivative of Y. Delta should always be less than the tolerance specified. If the latest estimate of the solution is X, then the derivative will be estimated as (Y(X+δX) - Y(X)) / δX where δX = Delta . X.

See also

C_SolveEquation, C_GetDefaultSolveEquationParameters.