
The TVarInfo data structure stores information about a results variable. It is used in the callback procedure EnumerateVarsProc which is invoked by a call to C_EnumerateVars2.

typedef struct {

int Size;

int VarID;

LPCTSTR lpVarName;

LPCTSTR lpVarUnits;

LPCTSTR lpFullName;

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle;

} TVarInfo;



The size in bytes of the structure being passed to EnumerateVarsProc. You should not attempt to access any members of the structure whose offset is greater than or equal to Size.


The ID of the results variable. This is the value which is passed to C_GetTimeHistory2, C_GetRangeGraph4, C_OpenLinkedStatistics2 etc. The function C_GetVarID provides another way to obtain this value, if you already know the results variables name.


The name of the results variable.


The units of the results variable.


The full name of the results variable (including units) as it would appear on an OrcaFlex graph.


The handle to the object which was passed to C_EnumerateVars2.


The memory referred to by the string pointers (lpVarName, lpVarUnits and lpFullName) is only available for the duration of the call to EnumerateVarsProc. If you wish to record these strings then you must take copies.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode structure name is TVarInfoW and the ANSI structure name is TVarInfoA.

See also

C_EnumerateVars2, EnumerateVarsProc.