Environment: Wind data

OrcaFlex includes the effects of wind on:

Include wind loads

You may choose whether or not wind loads are included for vessels, lines, 6D buoys and 6D buoy wings.

Wind ramping

Allows you to control how the wind is applied during the static analysis and the build-up period. Three options are available:

This data is unavailable when frequency domain dynamic analysis is enabled, and the mean speed is always used in the static analysis.

Air density

The air density is assumed to be constant and the same everywhere.

Air kinematic viscosity

Used to calculate Reynolds number. The value here is fixed and cannot be edited.

Air speed of sound

Used to calculate the wind turbine unsteady aerodynamics.

Vertical wind variation

Wind speed is assumed to be the same at all heights, unless a vertical wind speed profile is specified. To specify a vertical wind speed profile, you may define the wind speed variation with height above the mean water level (MWL) as a dimensionless multiplicative factor. To do so, you define a vertical variation factor variable data source. Negative factors may be used, allowing you to model reversing wind profiles.

A value of ~ means that there is no vertical variation.

If you are using the OCIMF model for wind load on vessels, the speed is expected to be that at an elevation of 10m (32.8 ft) above the mean water level (MWL). If you have the wind speed $v(h)$ at some other height h (in metres), then the wind speed $V(10)$ at 10m can be estimated using the formula $v(10) = v(h)\,(10/h)^{1/7}$.

Note: The vertical wind variation profile data is not available, and is not applied, when full field wind is modelled using the TurbSim format. For full field wind of this type, the vertical variation in the wind velocity is specified directly in the external full field wind data. When full field wind is modelled using the Mann format, it is only applied to mean wind speed.

Wind type

Wind can be defined a number of different various ways, by setting the wind type to one of the following.


The wind is defined by specifying its speed and direction. The direction remains constant over time. The wind ramping dictates the wind speed during the static analysis and the build-up period.

NPD spectrum, API spectrum, ESDU spectrum

The wind speed varies randomly over time, using a choice of either the NPD spectrum, API spectrum or the ESDU spectrum.

In these cases:

Note: When frequency domain dynamic analysis is enabled, the mean wind speed is used during the static analysis, and the wind spectrum specifies the dynamic wind behaviour.

User defined spectrum

A user-defined spectrum is given by a table of pairs of values of frequency $f$ and S, the spectral energy $S(f)$.

The given values of $f$ do not need to be equally-spaced. For intermediate values of $f$, OrcaFlex will obtain $S(f)$ by linear interpolation. S(f) is taken as zero for values of $f$ outside the range of the table. Your table should therefore include enough points to adequately define the shape of $S(f)$ (particularly where $S(f)$ has a wide range or high curvature) and should cover the full frequency range over which the spectrum has significant energy.

The above description of wind speed calculation for NPD, API and ESDU spectra applies equally to user defined spectra, with the following exceptions:

Note: When frequency domain dynamic analysis is enabled, the mean wind speed is used during the static analysis, and the wind spectrum specifies the dynamic wind behaviour.

User specified components

The wind is defined as the sum of a number of given sinusoidal components. For each component you give:

The randomise phases button will generate a random phase value for each component, replacing all the existing data.

Time history (speed)

The wind speed variation with time is specified explicitly by time history. Linear interpolation is used to obtain the wind speed at intermediate times.

You must also provide mean speed and mean direction. The wind direction remains constant over time. The wind ramping dictates the wind speed during the static analysis and the build-up period.

Time history (speed & direction)

Both the wind speed and direction variation with time are specified explicitly by time history. Linear interpolation is used to obtain the wind speed and direction at intermediate times.

You must also provide mean speed and mean direction. The wind ramping dictates the wind speed and direction during the static analysis and the build-up period.

Time history (speed, direction, shear & gust)

The wind speed (at the shear reference origin), direction, linear horizontal shear, linear vertical shear and gust speed variation with time are specified explicitly by time history. Linear interpolation is used to obtain the values at intermediate times.

A shear reference origin and a shear reference length must always be specified. The shear reference origin, $(X\urm{ref}, Y\urm{ref}, Z\urm{ref})$, is the global position at which the time varying wind speed, $U\urm{ref}(t)$, is unmodified by shear (although it is still affected by the vertical variation factor). The shear reference length, $l\urm{ref}$, is then used, along with the time varying linear horizontal shear, $S\urm{H}(t)$, and linear vertical shear, $S\urm{V}(t)$, to calculate the spatial variation of the wind about the shear reference origin. Vertical shear is in the global $Z$ direction. Horizontal shear is perpendicular to both the wind direction and the vertical. For positive horizontal shear, if the wind direction is zero, i.e. the wind is propagating along the global X direction, the wind speed will increase in the global Y direction. The time varying gust, $U\urm{gust}(t)$, acts independently of any shear and vertical variation factor, and is added to the wind speed at all points in space. The wind speed, in the time varying direction, $\theta(t)$, at the global position $\vec{p} = (X, Y, Z)$, and time $t$, is calculated via \begin{equation} u(\vec{p}, t) = U\urm{ref}(t) \left(F\urm{V}(Z) + S\urm{V}(t)\frac{Z-Z\urm{ref}}{l\urm{ref}} + S\urm{H}(t)\frac{\left(Y-Y\urm{ref}\right)\cos{\theta(t)}-\left(X-X\urm{ref}\right)\sin{\theta(t)}}{l\urm{ref}} \right) + U\urm{gust}(t) \end{equation} where $F\urm{V}(Z)$ is the vertical variation factor.

You must also provide mean speed and mean direction. The wind ramping dictates the wind speed and direction during the static analysis and the build-up period. The shear and gust are assumed to be zero in the statics calculation.

Full field

Full field wind allows for variation of wind velocity in both space and time, with data specified in external files. The coordinate system used in the files is right-handed, with $x$ horizontal in the direction of propagation, $y$ horizontal and normal to $x$, and $z$ vertically upwards.

To use full field wind, you must always define the following:

Two binary full field wind formats are supported: TurbSim .bts files; and Mann turbulence generator .bin files.

When using the TurbSim format, the name of a single .bts file must be specified. You can give either its full path or a relative path. Clicking file header allows you to view the information contained in the .bts file header. The TurbSim .bts file contains time series of 3D wind velocity, $\vec{V}\urm{g}(y,z,t)$, at points on an evenly spaced grid in the vertical $yz$ plane. Optionally, the file may also contain time series of 3D wind velocity, $\vec{V}\urm{t}(z,t)$, at tower points in a single line below the grid.

When using the Mann format, you must define the following:

Each Mann .bin file contains a 3D spatial grid of a single wind velocity component, $V_{\textrm{g},i}(x,y,z)$, such that $\vec{V}_\textrm{g} \equiv (V_{\textrm{g},1}, V_{\textrm{g},2}, V_{\textrm{g},3})^\textrm{T}$. The grid's origin is at the centre of its $yz$ plane. Optionally, each velocity component can be scaled before it is used in OrcaFlex. This is done by specifying the component's target standard deviation. A value of ~ means that there is no scaling and the component is to be used unmodified. Otherwise, OrcaFlex first estimates the file's standard deviation, along the direction of propagation, at a data point as close to the centre of the grid's $yz$ plane as possible. OrcaFlex then determines the factor needed to scale the standard deviation estimate to the target value, and applies it to the whole grid before it is used.

For both formats, OrcaFlex uses Taylor's frozen turbulence hypothesis. This uses the mean wind speed (as recorded in the .bts file for TurbSim, or given as data for the Mann format), to map between the 3D grid contained in the files (i.e. $\vec{V}\urm{g}(y,z,t)$ for TurbSim, or $\vec{V}\urm{g}(x,y,z)$ for the Mann format) and $\vec{V}\urm{g}(x,y,z,t)$ as required by OrcaFlex; or, in the case of the TurbSim tower, between $\vec{V}_t(z,t)$ and $\vec{V}_t(x,z,t)$.

To interpolate in the grid, OrcaFlex uses barycentric interpolation. For points outside the grid, OrcaFlex clips to the edge of the grid, along each primary axis. For example, consider a .bts file with no tower points, and with a grid defined at $y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_{N_y}$ and $z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_{N_z}$. For values of $y < y_1$ or $y > y_{N_y}$, OrcaFlex clips $y$ to $y_1$ or $y_{N_y}$ respectively. Similarly, for values of $z < z_1$ or $z > z_{N_z}$, OrcaFlex clips $z$ to $z_1$ or $z_{N_z}$ respectively.

The TurbSim .bts file format supports periodic time histories. If the file is periodic, as recorded in the file header, OrcaFlex will interpret the data accordingly. For non-periodic files, if extrapolation in time is required it is performed by clipping to the defined range. The Mann file format is always assumed to be periodic in the direction of propagation.

To help visualise the full field wind, a wire frame 3D box and arrows representing the vector field can be drawn.

The wind ramping dictates how the wind is applied in the static analysis and during the build-up period.