Post-processing: Time history and related commands

Sample times

Returns the time values that apply to the time history results as a column of $N$ numbers, where $N$ is the number of OrcaFlex log samples in the specified simulation period. So if the output cell is set to G5 and there are 500 log samples in the simulation period, then the time values for those log samples will be written to cells G5…G504.

For a frequency domain simulation, the sample times are generated for the period range you specify as your specified period and the sample interval set for the model file in the general data form results tab.

Time history

Returns the time history values of the given variable as a column of N numbers, as with the Sample times command.

For frequency domain simulations, a synthesised time history is returned. The number of samples in the time history will depend on the period range specified and the frequency domain result sample interval as for the Sample times command above.

Min, Max, Mean, Standard deviation

Min returns a single number, the minimum value of the given time history variable during the specified simulation period. Similarly for Max, Mean and Standard deviation (which can be abbreviated to Std dev).

Linked statistics

Outputs the same information as the linked statistics command on the OrcaFlex results form. The variable column of the instruction should contain the names of the results you require, separated by commas.

Rayleigh extremes

Outputs the results of a Rayleigh distribution extreme value statistics analysis: most probable maximum (MPM) and extreme value with risk factor. Parameters for the analysis are specified in the additional data column, separated by semi-colons. For example:

StormDuration=3; RiskFactor=1; ExtremesToAnalyse=Upper tail

The storm duration is given in hours and the risk factor is a percentage.

The StormDuration and ExtremesToAnalyse parameters can be omitted. If they are omitted then default values of 3 and Upper tail are used. If the RiskFactor parameter is omitted then the extreme value with risk factor result is not output.

Empirical distribution, Rainflow half cycles, Rainflow half cycle count

These commands extract empirical distribution and rainflow half-cycles results for the given variable.

Cycle histograms

Extracts the cycle histogram of the rainflow cycle counts for the given variable. You can specify the bin size and reporting format in the additional data, for example:

BinSize=1.25; BinY=Percent

Both BinSize and Percent can be omitted, in which case the default bin size will be used and the bin quantity will be reported as a count (BinY=Count).

Rainflow associated mean

Extracts the rainflow associated mean for each half-cycle range in the time history of the selected variable.

R ratio

Extracts the R ratio for each half-cycle range in the time history of the selected variable.

Static result

Returns the value of the given variable in the static configuration.