Results: Graphs

Results graphs are available for added mass and damping, load and displacement RAOs, and mean drift loads (if applicable).

Modifying graphs

You can zoom into a graph by holding down the ALT key and dragging a box around the area that you want the graph to display. When you release the mouse button, the region selected will be expanded to fill the graph. Mouse shortcuts can also be used: CTRL+wheel to zoom, SHIFT+drag to pan. If you want to reverse this process, click use default ranges on the popup menu.

You can also change the appearance of a graph by double clicking on the graph or by selecting properties from the graph's popup menu. The graph properties dialog then allows you to change the following aspects of the graph:


You can set the range, the tick spacing and the number of small ticks. The use default tick spacing button sets the tick spacing and the number of small ticks to sensible default values based on the range. This is useful if you want to set the range to a specific value and want the tick spacing to be set automatically.


You can alter the text and fonts of the axis and tick labels.


You can control the line properties and visibility for each curve on the graph.

Set as default

Changes to a graph's properties normally only apply to that graph. For general settings (fonts etc.), you can also click the set as default button; OrcaWave then remembers the current settings for use with future graphs.

Graph popup menu

Graphs have a popup menu that provides the following facilities:

Printing graphs

To print a graph click print from the popup menu. When printing to a monochrome printer, you will get the best results by setting the monochrome output preference.

Copy and paste with graphs

You can also copy a graph to the clipboard: simply select the graph by clicking on it and then click copy from the popup menu. From the clipboard, you can then paste it into another application, such as a word processor document. Graphs can also be exported using the popup menu.

Note: When copying a graph to the clipboard, the size of the graph window you copy from has an effect on how the text label fonts appear when the graph is pasted into another application. For example, if you are copying a graph to a word processor and want the graph to be full page size, then the graph window should be made large on screen (e.g. by maximising the main OrcaWave window). If you want a number of graphs on one page of a document, then the graph should be smaller on screen; by experimenting with various differently sized graphs, it should be possible to arrange for the fonts to appear as you wish.