
C_CalculateFatigue is called to perform a fatigue calculation after creating and populating a fatigue object, or loading an existing fatigue file with C_LoadFatigue.

The results of the calculation can be optionally saved to a results file. This file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a comma separated text file (.csv) or a tab delimited text file (.txt).

After the calculation is complete, the results can be obtained by calling C_GetFatigueOutput.

void C_CalculateFatigue(

TOrcFxAPIHandle FatigueHandle,

LPCSTR lpResultsFileName,

TStringProgressHandlerProc FatigueProgressHandlerProc,

int *lpStatus



FatigueHandle (IN)

The fatigue analysis handle returned by C_CreateFatigue.

lpResultsFileName (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string containing the name of the results file. The file can be a text file (.txt), an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls) or a comma separated text file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. NULL can be passed if no results file is required.

FatigueProgressHandlerProc (IN)

A callback function to handle notifications of the progress of the fatigue calculation. If you do not want to receive such notifications, pass NULL.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_CalculateFatigueW and the ANSI function name is C_CalculateFatigueA.

See also

C_CreateFatigue, C_GetFatigueOutput, C_LoadFatigue, C_SaveFatigue, C_DestroyFatigue.