
The StringProgressHandlerProc function is an application-defined callback function that processes string progress notifications. This function is called repeatedly by the OrcFxAPI functions it is passed to, see C_ProcessBatchScript, C_CalculateDiffraction, C_CalculateFatigue, C_ExecutePostCalculationActions for more details.

void __stdcall StringProgressHandlerProc(

TOrcFxAPIHandle Handle,

LPCTSTR lpProgress,

BOOL *lpCancel



Handle (IN)

The handle of the object to which progress applies. This can be handle to a model, a fatigue object or a diffraction object depending on which function is generating the progress notifications.

lpProgress (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string giving progress details. This string can be used to provide user feedback.

lpCancel (IN/OUT)

Points to a BOOL variable which determines whether the operation is cancelled – set this BOOL variable non-zero to abort the operation or leave it unchanged to continue.

See also

C_ProcessBatchScript, C_CalculateFatigue, C_ExecutePostCalculationActions.