
Note: C_EnumerateVars has been superseded by C_EnumerateVars2. We recommend that any new code you write uses C_EnumerateVars2.

C_EnumerateVars is called to obtain a list of all available results variables.

You specify the object and the type of result (time history, range graph or linked statistics). Then the callback function EnumerateVarsProc is called once for each available results variable and passed details of that results variable. If you just wish to find out how many available results variables there are then pass NULL for the EnumerateVarsProc parameter.

void C_EnumerateVars(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

const TObjectExtra *lpObjectExtra,

int ResultType,

TEnumerateVarsProc EnumerateVarsProc,

int *lpNumberOfVars,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

See the ObjectHandle parameter of C_EnumerateVars2.

lpObjectExtra (IN)

Points to a TObjectExtra variable which specifies where on the object results are required.

Only needed if both the following conditions hold:

  1. The object is the environment or a line.
  2. ResultType is rtTimeHistory, rtLinkedStatistics or rtFrequencyDomain.

Otherwise pass NULL.

ResultType (IN)

See the ResultType parameter of C_EnumerateVars2.

EnumerateVarsProc (IN)

See the EnumerateVarsProc parameter of C_EnumerateVars2.

lpNumberOfVars (OUT)

See the lpNumberOfVars parameter of C_EnumerateVars2.

lpStatus (OUT)

See the lpStatus parameter of C_EnumerateVars2.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_EnumerateVarsW and the ANSI function name is C_EnumerateVarsA.

See also

TObjectExtra, TVarInfo, C_EnumerateVars2, EnumerateVarsProc.