
C_ExecutePostCalculationActions ....

void C_ExecutePostCalculationActions(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ModelHandle,

LPCTSTR lpFileName,

TStringProgressHandlerProc ReportProgressProc,

int ActionType,

BOOL TreatExecutionErrorsAsWarnings,

int *lpStatus



ModelHandle (IN)

The handle of the model.

lpFileName (IN)

The name of the simulation file associated with the model. This name will be passed to the post calculation action.

ReportProgressProc (IN)

A callback function to handle notifications of the progress of the actions. If you do not want to receive such notifications, pass NULL.

ActionType (IN)

Either atInProcPython or atCmdScript. These constants are defined in the C++ header file OrcFxAPI.h.

TreatExecutionErrorsAsWarnings (IN)

Pass TRUE if you wish errors that occur during action execution to be treated as OrcaFlex warnings. Pass FALSE if you want such errors to be treated as errors, with error code returned in this function's status value.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.