
Call C_GetDataInteger to get the value of an integer data item.

void C_GetDataInteger(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

LPCTSTR lpDataName,

int Index,

int *lpData,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

The handle of the object which owns the data.

lpDataName (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string containing the name of the data item. This is the same name as used in OrcaFlex script files. To find what the name is for a particular data item you should select the data item on the OrcaFlex data form and press F7. For more information see the batch processing section of the OrcaFlex documentation.

Index (IN)

If the data item is part of a table then this is the row number of the table. The first row in the table is always 1. If the data item is not part of a table then this parameter is ignored. You can use C_DataRequiresIndex to determine whether or not an index is required.

lpData (OUT)

Points to a variable which receives the value of the data item.

If the data item itself represents the selected index of an indexed item (a data type of dtIntegerIndex), the first item in the list will always be numbered 1.

If the data item is a boolean value (a data type of dtBoolean), then false is represented by zero, and true by a non-zero value.

Note: For backwards compatibility reasons the dtBoolean data type is only used if the EnableBooleanDataType policy has been activated. If this policy is not activated then boolean data is treated as being of dtString type with possible values Yes and No.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_GetDataIntegerW and the ANSI function name is C_GetDataIntegerA.

See also

C_DataRequiresIndex, C_DeleteDataRow, C_GetDataRowCount, C_GetDataDouble, C_GetDataString, C_GetDataType, C_InsertDataRow, C_SetDataRowCount, C_SetDataDouble, C_SetDataInteger, C_SetDataString.