
C_SetLibraryPolicy is used to specify module wide policies.

void C_SetLibraryPolicy(


LPCTSTR lpValue,

int *lpStatus



lpName (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string containing the policy name.

lpValue (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string containing the policy value.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.


The following policies are supported:

Name Value Comments
ThickLines Minimum thickness of lines drawn in wire frame views, non-negative integer Although an integer value is required, because the function accepts string values, you must convert the integer to a string, and then pass that string.
JpegCompressionQuality An integer value, between 1 and 100 inclusive, that determines the quality of exported JPEG files. Although an integer value is required, because the function accepts string values, you must convert the integer to a string, and then pass that string.
MinDigitsAfterDecimalSeparator Minimum number of digits after the decimal separator, integer between 0 and 3 inclusive Controls the formatting of floating point values. OrcaFlex attempts to show at least the specified number of digits after the decimal separator. This may not always be achieved if there are too many digits before the decimal separator, or if engineering notation is used. Although an integer value is required, because the function accepts string values, you must convert the integer to a string, and then pass that string.
DisableDynamics (not required) Only search for statics OrcaFlex licences. This is equivalent to calling C_DisableModule passing moduleDynamics.
RequireDynamics (not required) Only search for full OrcaFlex licences.
FlexNetOnly (not required) Only search for FlexNet licences. No search will be made for dongle licences.
DongleOnly (not required) Only search for dongle licences. No search will be made for FlexNet licences.
FlexNetFirst (not required) Search for FlexNet licences before dongle licences. This policy is ignored if FlexNetOnly or DongleOnly has been specified.
DongleFirst (not required) Search for dongle licences before dongle licences. This policy is ignored if FlexNetOnly or DongleOnly has been specified.
LocalDongle (not required) Only search for licences on a local dongle. This policy is ignored if FlexNetOnly has ben specified.
NetworkDongle (not required) Only search for licences on a network dongle. This policy is ignored if FlexNetOnly has ben specified.
EnableBooleanDataType (not required) Enables the the dtBoolean data type.
SuppressProcessorGroupingMapSupport (not required) This policy is only applicable to 64 bit processes on machines with processor groups. By default, when performing calculations with multiple threads, threads will be assigned evenly between all processor groups. This behaviour is suppressed when this policy is active. If group mapping support is suppressed then all threads will run on the same processor group, and will respect the affinity mask of the process.
Notes: Many of these policies correspond to OrcaFlex command line parameters.
The policies relating to licence search must be specified before the first licence search is performed.
The SuppressProcessorGroupingMapSupport policy must be called before any models are created.