
Note: C_GetRangeGraph2 has been superseded by C_GetRangeGraph4. We recommend that any new code you write uses C_GetRangeGraph4.

Call C_GetRangeGraph2 to extract range graph results.

In many circumstances you will not wish to use all the parameters of this procedure. For instance you may be interested only in knowing the maximum value of a variable over the length of a line. In this case you can pass NULL for the parameters you wish to ignore. For example the function might be called as such:

C_GetRangeGraph2(ObjectHandle, VarID, &Period, NULL, NULL, MaxValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Status);

Note that for some variables not all the parameters are meaningful. For instance a clearance range graph only has one curve, the minimum. In this case, if you use the other parameters, then the blocks of memory will be filled with zeros.

void C_GetRangeGraph2(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

int VarID,

const TPeriod *lpPeriod,

double *lpXValues,

double *lpMinValues,

double *lpMaxValues,

double *lpMeanValues,

double *lpStdDevValues,

double *lpUpperValues,

double *lpLowerValues,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

See the ObjectHandle parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

VarID (IN)

See the VarID parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpPeriod (IN)

See the lpPeriod parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpXValues (OUT)

See the lpXValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpMinValues (OUT)

See the lpMinValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpMaxValues (OUT)

See the lpMaxValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpMeanValues (OUT)

See the lpMeanValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpStdDevValues (OUT)

See the lpStdDevValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpUpperValues (OUT)

See the lpUpperValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpLowerValues (OUT)

See the lpLowerValues parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

lpStatus (OUT)

See the lpStatus parameter of C_GetRangeGraph4.

See also

C_GetRangeGraph4, C_GetRangeGraphNumOfPoints3.