
Call C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollated to get display names for the curves returned by a call to C_GetRangeGraphCollated. These are the same names which appear in the legend for an OrcaFlex range graph.

void C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollated(

TOrcFxAPIHandle CollatedResultsHandle,

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

const TObjectExtra2 *lpObjectExtra,

int VarID,

TRangeGraphCurveNames *lpCurveNames,

int *lpStatus



CollatedResultsHandle (IN)

The collated results handle obtained by calling C_CreateCollatedResultsAdmin.

ObjectHandle (IN)

The handle of the object for which you want range graph results. This must be the handle of a line or turbine.

lpObjectExtra (IN)

Points to a TObjectExtra2 variable. This is only needed if:

If none of the above conditions hold, then you should pass NULL.

If you do want clearance results to be reported as clearances from a specified line then you must set the ClearanceLineName member of lpObjectExtra. Note that the other members which specify a particular point on the line or turbine blade are ignored and do not need to be set. This is because a range graph gives results for all points on the line or turbine blade.

If you are asking for component stress results then you need to specify the RadialPos and Theta members of lpObjectExtra. Note that the other members which specify a particular point on the line or turbine blade are ignored and do not need to be set. This is because a range graph gives results for all points on the line or turbine blade.

If the object is a turbine, then you need to specify the BladeIndex member of lpObjectExtra. Note that the other members which specify a particular point on the blade are ignored and do not need to be set. This is because a range graph gives results for all points on the blade.

VarID (IN)

Specifies the OrcaFlex variable for which the range graph results are requested. Call C_GetVarID to obtain a VarID from a variable name.

lpCurveNames (OUT)

Points to a TRangeGraphCurveNames variable in which the display names will be returned.

Before calling C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollated, set the Size member of the TRangeGraphCurveNames structure to sizeof(TRangeGraphCurveNames).

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollatedW and the ANSI function name is C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollatedA.

See also

TRangeGraphCurveNames, C_GetRangeGraphCollated.