
The TRangeGraphCurveNames data structure is used by C_GetRangeGraphCurveNames and C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollated to obtain display names for the curves returned by calls to C_GetRangeGraph4 and C_GetRangeGraphCollated.

typedef struct {

int Size;

TCurveName Min;

TCurveName Max;

TCurveName Mean;

TCurveName StdDev;

TCurveName Upper;

TCurveName Lower;

} TRangeGraphCurveNames;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TRangeGraphCurveNames) before calling C_GetRangeGraphCurveNames.

Min, Max, Mean, StdDev, Upper, Lower

The display name for the curves returned by C_GetRangeGraph4 or C_GetRangeGraphCollated.

Not all of these curves are meaningful for all range graphs. For example, effective tension results have upper and lower limits defined. However position results, for example, have no limits defined. If one of these members is the empty string then is to be interpreted to mean that the curve is not defined.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode structure name is TRangeGraphCurveNamesW and the ANSI structure name is TRangeGraphCurveNamesA.

See also

TCurveName, C_GetRangeGraphCurveNames, C_GetRangeGraphCurveNamesCollated.