
Note: C_OpenLinkedStatistics has been superseded by C_OpenLinkedStatistics2. We recommend that any new code you write uses C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

C_OpenLinkedStatistics is used in tandem with C_QueryLinkedStatistics, C_CalculateLinkedStatisticsTimeSeriesStatistics and C_CloseLinkedStatistics to get OrcaFlex Linked statistics results.

Linked Statistics in OrcaFlex consist of:

To extract Linked Statistics results you should first call C_OpenLinkedStatistics to specify the set of variables and the period of simulation required. The results themselves can then be extracted by one or more calls to C_QueryLinkedStatistics or C_CalculateLinkedStatisticsTimeSeriesStatistics. You must then call C_CloseLinkedStatistics to free memory allocated up by C_OpenLinkedStatistics.

void C_OpenLinkedStatistics(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

const TObjectExtra *lpObjectExtra,

const TPeriod *lpPeriod,

int NumOfVars,

int *lpVars,

TOrcFxAPIHandle *lpStatisticsHandle,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

See the ObjectHandle parameter of C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

lpObjectExtra (IN)

Points to a TObjectExtra variable which specifies where on the object results are required. Can be NULL if no additional information is needed.

lpPeriod (IN)

See the lpPeriod parameter of C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

NumOfVars (IN)

See the NumOfVars parameter of C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

lpVars (IN)

See the lpVars parameter of C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

lpStatisticsHandle (OUT)

See the lpStatisticsHandle parameter of C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

lpStatus (OUT)

See the lpStatus parameter of C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.

See also

TObjectExtra, TPeriod, C_OpenLinkedStatistics2.