
Note: The function has now been superseded by C_SetLibraryPolicy.

Call C_DisableModule to disable optional OrcaFlex calculation modules. By default the API will enable as many calculation modules as it can. The availability of calculation modules is controlled by the OrcaFlex dongle.

Note: The function must be called before your first call to C_CreateModel or C_CreateModel2 – otherwise it will have no effect. The function can be called repeatedly to disable more than one module.

For example you may have 2 OrcaFlex licences on a single dongle, one with just the statics module and the other with both statics and dynamics modules. If you are using the API for just static functions then it is better to disable dynamics when using the API. Doing this allows another user to use the dynamics module licence.

void C_DisableModule(

int Module,

int *lpStatus



Module (IN)

Identifies the calculation module to be disabled. This can be one of the module constants defined in OrcFxAPI.h. For example, to disable the dynamics module pass moduleDynamics for this parameter.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_CreateModel, C_CreateModel2, C_ModuleEnabled, C_SetLibraryPolicy.