
C_SimulateToleranceIntervals simulates tolerance intervals for the fitted distribution.

Note: The method for producing tolerance intervals involves simulation, i.e. sampling from the fitted distribution. Successive calls to this function will therefore produce different results due to sampling variation.

void C_SimulateToleranceIntervals(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ExtremeStatisticsHandle,

int SimulatedDataSetCount,

TInterval *lpToleranceIntervals,

int *lpStatus



ExtremeStatisticsHandle (IN)

The extreme statistics handle returned by C_OpenExtremeStatistics.

SimulatedDataSetCount (IN)

The number of simulated data sets used to generate the tolerance intervals. We recommend that you use a value of 1000 which matches the value used by OrcaFlex.

lpToleranceIntervals (OUT)

Points to an array of TInterval structures. The array is allocated by the caller and must have length of at least N, where N is the number of threshold excesses. The number of threshold excesses is obtained by calling C_CalculateExtremeStatisticsExcessesOverThreshold.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_OpenExtremeStatistics, C_FitExtremeStatistics, C_CalculateExtremeStatisticsExcessesOverThreshold.