
C_OpenExtremeStatistics is used together with C_FitExtremeStatistics, C_QueryExtremeStatistics, C_CalculateExtremeStatisticsExcessesOverThreshold, C_SimulateToleranceIntervals and C_CloseExtremeStatistics to perform extreme value statistical analyses.

A typical sequence of calls to perform such an analysis is as follows:

void C_OpenExtremeStatistics(

int NumberOfValues,

double *lpValues,

double SampleInterval,

TOrcFxAPIHandle *lpExtremeStatisticsHandle,

int *lpStatus



NumberOfValues (IN)

The number of values in the lpValues array.

lpValues (IN)

Points to the array of values. Typically, but not necessarily, this will be generated by a call to C_GetTimeHistory2.

SampleInterval (IN)

The interval in seconds between each consecutive value of lpValues.

lpExtremeStatisticsHandle (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the extreme statistics handle will be returned.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

C_FitExtremeStatistics, C_QueryExtremeStatistics, C_CalculateExtremeStatisticsExcessesOverThreshold, C_SimulateToleranceIntervals , C_CloseExtremeStatistics.