
The TShear7MdsFileParameters structure is used to specify which modes are to be included in a SHEAR7 .mds file created by a call to C_SaveExternalProgramFile.

typedef struct {

int Size;

int FirstMode;

int LastMode;

BOOL IncludeCoupledObjects;

} TShear7MdsFileParameters;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TShear7MdsFileParameters) before calling a function with a TShear7MdsFileParameters parameter.

FirstMode, LastMode

These members specify which modes are to be included in the .mds file. A value of -1 for the first mode is interpreted as the lowest numbered transverse (or inline) mode. A value of -1 for the last mode is interpreted as the highest numbered transverse (or inline) mode.

By transverse we mean that the modal analysis classifies the mode as either Transverse or Mostly Transverse. By inline we mean that the modal analysis classifies the mode as either Inline or Mostly Inline. Whether transverse or inline modes are exported is determined by the setting of the Response data item on the SHEAR7 data form.

These members are interpreted in exactly the same way as the FirstMode and LastMode parameters to the SHEAR7MdsFile batch script command.


Determines whether or not coupled objects are included in the modal analysis.

See also
