
Call C_SaveExternalProgramFile to save a Shear7 input file or a Shear7 output file.

void C_SaveExternalProgramFile(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ObjectHandle,

int FileType,

void *lpParameters,

LPCTSTR lpFileName,

int *lpStatus



ObjectHandle (IN)

The handle of the object.

FileType (IN)

Identifies the file type to be saved. This can be one of the following constants defined in OrcFxAPI.h: eftShear7dat, eftShear7mds, eftShear7out, eftShear7plt, eftShear7anm, eftShear7dmg, eftShear7fat, eftShear7str, eftShear7curv, eftShear7zetahyst, eftShear7sth, eftShear7dth, eftShear7out1, eftShear7out2, eftShear7allOutput, eftVIVAInput, eftVIVAOutput, eftVIVAModes.

lpParameters (IN)

If FileType is eftShear7mds this should point to a TShear7MdsFileParameters structure. If NULL is passed then all transverse modes will be included in the exported .mds file. In other words, passing NULL is equivalent to setting FirstMode and LastMode to -1, and setting IncludeCoupledObjects to FALSE.

If FileType is eftVIVAModes this should point to a TVIVAModesFilesParameters structure. If NULL is passed then all transverse modes will be included in the exported .mds file. In other words, passing NULL is equivalent to setting FirstMode and LastMode to -1, and setting IncludeCoupledObjects to FALSE.

For all other values of FileType this parameter is ignored and NULL should be passed.

lpFileName (IN)

Points to a null-terminated string containing the name of the file to be saved.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

Unicode and ANSI

The Unicode function name is C_SaveExternalProgramFileW and the ANSI function name is C_SaveExternalProgramFileA.

See also
