
The TVIVAModesFilesParameters structure is used to specify which modes are to be included in the VIVA modes files created by a call to C_SaveExternalProgramFile.

typedef struct {

int Size;

int FirstMode;

int LastMode;

BOOL IncludeCoupledObjects;

} TVIVAModesFilesParameters;



Specifies the size, in bytes, of this data structure. Set this member to sizeof(TVIVAModesFilesParameters) before calling a function with a TVIVAModesFilesParameters parameter.

FirstMode, LastMode

These members specify which modes are to be included in the .mds file. A value of -1 for the first mode is interpreted as the lowest numbered transverse mode. A value of -1 for the last mode is interpreted as the highest numbered transverse mode.


Determines whether or not coupled objects are included in the modal analysis.

See also
