Access Mode

Usually the dongle is simply plugged into the computer on which the software is run - this is called local access mode. Local access mode may be inconvenient where many users need to share a dongle or the user base is geographically dispersed. To solve this problem, Orcina dongles can be set up for use over a computer network - this is network access mode. Network mode allows the software to be run anywhere on a network without having to attach a separate dongle to each workstation.

Local Access Mode

A local access mode dongle is only accessible by the software run on the machine to which the dongle is connected. H-series dongles (dongles numbered Hxxx) can only be used in local access mode. N-series dongles (numbered Nxxx) can be switched between both access modes.

Generally, Orcina dongles are sent out with their mode set to local access. If you want to use an N-series local access mode dongle over a network you must change its access mode.

Network Access Mode

A network access mode dongle can be used by more than one machine connected to the same network. The machine a network access dongle is plugged into is the dongle server. This machine needs to run a Licence Manager to make the dongle accessible to other machines on the network. If at any time you wish to use your Orcina software on a machine that is not on the network (for example a portable) and you have an N-series dongle, then you will have to ensure the dongle is switched to local access mode.

Setting the Access Mode

To set the access mode do the following:

  1. Plug the dongle into your machine.
  2. Run OrcaDongle, click the Set Access Mode button and select the desired access mode. The access mode of the dongle will then be set and the new information stored by the dongle will be displayed.