Licence Manager


The Licence Manager is only required if you use a dongle in network access mode. It is a program that runs on your dongle server machine that allows access to the dongle from any machine on the network.

If the Licence Manager is not running, Orcina software will be unable to access the network dongle and will not run.

The Licence Manager issues licences from the network dongle in response to requests from Orcina programs. When all of the licences stored in the dongle controlled by the licence manager have been issued then no more copies of the program can be run and further licence requests are refused. When an Orcina program is closed the licence is returned to the licence manager and it is available for re-issue. If the Orcina application terminates abnormally (e.g. due to a power failure) then the Licence Manager keeps that licence assigned to that user for up to 15 minutes in case the Orcina program is restarted. After this period the licence is returned to the pool of available licences. If the dongle is removed or the server or network fails to respond (continuously, or for more than a few brief interruptions) then the program will be unable to verify that its licence is current and will warn the user and stop.

The Windows version of the licence manager software and associated configuration files and utilities are located on the Orcina CD (in Dongle\Network), or can be downloaded from the Orcina website at The Licence Manager is also available for other platforms from the dongle manufacturers website:

Installing the Licence Manager

Run the program LMSetup.exe (from the Orcina CD in Dongle\Network, or extracted from the downloaded file Under Windows NT/2000/XP you are given the option of installing the Licence Manager as a Windows service. This is the recommended option, as it ensures that the Licence Manager will always be running, even if no user is logged on. The Licence Manager service appears as an icon on the task bar. Otherwise, the Licence Manager is installed as a standard application, in which case you should place a shortcut to the Licence Manager in the Startup folder so it is run automatically after a reboot. When the licence manager program is running, it appears as an icon on the task bar. To quit the licence manager program, open the icon and use the Exit menu.

You will be also be given the option of also installing the dongle device driver - you should do this if it isn't already installed.

To uninstall the licence manager, run LMSetup.exe again.