Automation: Batch processing

OrcaWave calculations can be run in unattended mode by using the Calculation | Batch processing menu item. This command opens a form that allows you to set up a list of jobs that are to be run.

The list can include any number of pre-prepared OrcaWave data files (.owd or .yml). OrcaWave opens the data file, performs the calculation and then saves the results in a results file with the same name as the data file, but with a .owr extension.

Restart analyses are performed last. This means that you can include both the parent model and restart model(s) in the same batch without having to worry about the order in which they are added.

Batch form user interface

Add files

Adds jobs to the list. Files can also be added by drag and drop; that is, if you are browsing your file system you can highlight files and drag them onto the jobs list.

You can also add text files, with .lst extension, containing a list of files to be added. The text file must comprise one file name per line. If the file names use relative paths, then they are taken to be relative to the directory containing the .lst file.

Files can be added whilst a batch is running.

Remove files

Removes any files highlighted in the jobs list.

Run batch

Processes the list of jobs. If a job fails, then it is abandoned, but other jobs are still attempted. Any errors are reported once all jobs have been processed.

Pause batch

Pauses the currently running batch jobs. This can be useful if you temporarily want another process on your machine to have the processor resource that OrcaWave is using.

Stop batch

Terminate processing of batch jobs.

Save output workbook

If checked, then OrcaWave will save the tabular results to an Excel workbook.