Results: Load RAOs

$\newcommand{\SB}{S_B} %body surface $

These quantities are reported on the load RAOs (Haskind) and load RAOs (diffraction) sheets of the results tables. Both forms of load RAO are reported in body coordinates $\Bxyz$.

Note: The two forms are mathematically equivalent; they differ only because the integral equations have been solved using a discrete mesh. The difference between them can be a useful metric for the level of the discretisation errors in your results. Discretisation errors can be reduced by using a finer mesh.

Diffraction load RAOs

The load experienced by a body in degree of freedom $i$ in the incoming wave field, $\phi_I$, is calculated by pressure integration of the diffraction potential\begin{equation} F_i = -\textrm{i}\omega\rho \int_{\SB} (n_{\textrm{vel}})_i \phi_D \ud S \end{equation} A modified formula for diffraction load RAO holds in the presence of dipole panels.

Haskind load RAOs

The equivalent Haskind formula for the load RAO is calculated in terms of the incoming wave field, $\phi_I$, and the radiation potentials, $\phi_i$ \begin{equation} F_i = -\textrm{i}\omega\rho \int_{\SB} \left\{(n_{\textrm{vel}})_i\phi_I - \phi_i\PD{\phi_I}{n}\right\} \ud S \end{equation} A modified formula for the Haskind load RAO holds in the presence of a damping lid or dipole panels.