
C_QueryExtremeStatistics extracts results from the fitted statistical model.

void C_QueryExtremeStatistics(

TOrcFxAPIHandle ExtremeStatisticsHandle,

const TExtremeStatisticsQuery *lpQuery,

TExtremeStatisticsOutput *lpOutput,

int *lpStatus



ExtremeStatisticsHandle (IN)

The extreme statistics handle returned by C_OpenExtremeStatistics.

lpQuery (IN)

Points to a TExtremeStatisticsQuery structure specifying the query.

lpOutput (OUT)

Points to a TExtremeStatisticsOutput structure in which the query results are returned.

lpStatus (OUT)

Points to a variable in which the status result for the function call will be returned.

See also

TExtremeStatisticsQuery, TExtremeStatisticsOutput, C_OpenExtremeStatistics, C_FitExtremeStatistics, C_SimulateToleranceIntervals.