Python reference: LinkedStatistics

The class LinkedStatistics encapsulates the following functions from the C API:


This class is not created directly but is returned by a call to the OrcaFlexObject function LinkedStatistics, for example:

linkedstats = line.LinkedStatistics(["Effective Tension", "Bend Moment"], objectExtra=oeArcLength(32.5))



query_stats = linkedstats.Query(varName, linkedVarName)

The parameters varName and linkedVarName are result names that must have been included in the list of varnames passed to the LinkedStatistics function. This function calls the C API function C_QueryLinkedStatistics. The StatisticsQuery object returned by this function represents the C API structure TStatisticsQuery and has the same attributes.


timeseries_stats = linkedstats.TimeSeriesStatistics(varName)

The varName must be one of the result names included in the list of varnames passed to the LinkedStatistics function. This function calls the C API function C_CalculateLinkedStatisticsTimeSeriesStatistics function and returns a TimeSeriesStats object which represents the C API structure TTimeSeriesStatistics and has the same attributes.