Python reference: OrcaFlexObject

The class OrcaFlexObject is the Python interface representation of an OrcaFlex model object such as a vessel, line type or buoy.

Some objects are represented by subclasses:


A new OrcaFlexObject is normally created from a Model object like this:

buoy = model["Buoy1"] # Existing 6D Buoy object

linetype = model.CreateObject(ObjectType.LineType, "linetype2") # Create a new line type object called "linetype2".

See the CreateObject method of Model.

Attributes and methods


Returns the handle of the parent model, see Model.


Returns the handle of this object instance as returned by the C API, see C_CreateObject.


Returns a numeric value which identifies the OrcaFlex model object type, see TObjectInfo.


This is a property which returns the name of the object type of this model object instance. Calls C_GetObjectTypeName.


This property returns the first child of the object in the model's group structure.


This property returns the next sibling of the object in the model's group structure. If there is no next sibling object because this is the last object at this level, None is returned.


This property returns the previous sibling of the object in the model's group structure. If there is no previous sibling object because this is the first object at this level, None is returned.


This property gets and sets the parent of the object in the model's group structure.



A generator that iterates over the object's children. The recurse parameter determines whether or not the generator recurses into the children of children.



Moves an object in the model's group structure to be at the same level, and immediately after, the specified target object.



Moves an object in the model's group structure to be at the same level, and immediately before, the specified target object.



dataName is the name of a data item in OrcaFlex, the method returns True if this is valid for this model object. The method calls C_GetDataType to determine validity.

Note: The name of a data item is obtained from the OrcaFlex data form by right clicking on the data item and clicking data names.



dataName is the name of a data item for this model object. The method returns True if this data item is indexed data.



dataName is a valid data item name for this model object. Determines what type the data item is. The return value is one of the following: DataType.Double, DataType.Integer, DataType.IntegerIndex, DataType.Boolean, DataType.String or DataType.Variable. The method is implemented by calling C_GetDataType.


VariableDataType(dataName, index)

dataName is a valid data item name for this model object, index is a zero-based index value for the data item (non-indexed data items ignore this value). Determines whether a variable data item is currently a constant value or is currently variable. This method can only be called for variable data items. The return value is DataType.Double to indicate a constant value or DataType.String to indicate a variable value. The method is implemented by calling C_GetVariableDataType.


GetData(dataNames, index)

Returns the values of the data item(s) specified by the data item name(s). dataNames is a valid data item name or list of data item names for this model object, index is a zero-based index value for the data item (non-indexed data items ignore this value). If dataNames contains a string, then a single value is returned; if dataNames contains a tuple or list of strings, then a list of values is returned.

The method first calls C_GetDataType and depending on the data type value returned then calls one of C_GetVariableDataType, C_GetDataDouble, C_GetDataInteger, or C_GetDataString.

For a single data item, the Python interface enables an alternative, more convenient, form which uses a dataNames parameter as a property name and calls GetData in the backgound. The examples below get the End A Azimuth and the Length of the second section of a line:

azimuth = line.EndAAzimuth # non-indexed data

sectionLength = line.Length[1] # indexed data, zero-based


SetData(dataNames, index, values)

Sets the values of the data item(s) specified by the data item name(s). dataNames is a valid data item name or list of data item names for this model object, index is a zero-based index value for the data item (non-indexed data items ignore this value) and values is the data to be assigned to the data item(s) (a single value of the appropriate data type when assigning to a single data item; a tuple or list of the appropriate length when assigning to multiple data items). The method first calls C_GetDataType to determine the expected data type and based on the data type value returned then calls one of C_SetDataDouble, C_SetDataInteger, or C_SetDataString.

For a single data item, the Python interface enables an alternative and more convenient way to set data, using a dataNames parameter as a property name. The following examples set the End B Connection of a line and the duration of simulation stage 3:

line.EndBConnection = "Anchored" # non-indexed data

model.general.StageDuration[3] = 23.6 # indexed data (note Stage 0 is the Build-up)

IsDefault, HasChanged, IsMarkedAsChanged, SetToDefault, SetToOriginalValue, MarkAsChanged

These functions are used to query and modify the state of data specified by dataName and index.

IsDefault and SetToDefault are available for all model types. The other functions are only available for variation model and restart analysis model types, for objects whose data changes are being tracked. In particular, newly added objects in a child model do not have data changes tracked.

IsDefault(dataName, index)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the current value of the data is equal to the default value.

HasChanged(dataName, index)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the current value has changed from the value in the parent model or has been explicitly marked as changed.

IsMarkedAsChanged(dataName, index)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the current value has been explicitly marked as changed.

SetToDefault(dataName, index)

Set the data to its default value.

SetToOriginalValue(dataName, index)

Set the data to the value in the parent model.

MarkAsChanged(dataName, index, value)

Determines whether or not the data is explicitly marked as changed, as specified by value, which should be a bool.



This function returns the number of rows in the table of the indexed data item specified by indexedDataName. See the C API documentation for C_GetDataRowCount. The Python interface enables an alternative form of this function call by treating the indexed data item indexedDataName as a Python object and calling the rowCount property of this object, for example:

numOfRows = line.Length.rowCount


SetDataRowCount(indexedDataName, rowCount)

This function sets the number of rows in the table of the indexed data item specified by indexedDataName. See the C API documentation C_SetDataRowCount. The Python interface enables an alternative form of this function call by treating the indexed data item indexedDataName as a Python object and calling the rowCount property of this object, for example:

line.Length.rowCount = 10


InsertDataRow(indexedDataName, index)

This function inserts a new data row into the table of the indexed data item specified by indexedDataName. The row is inserted before the row index. If index is equal to the row count for that data item then the new row is added at the end of the table. See the C API documentation for C_InsertDataRow.

The Python interface enables an alternative form of this function call by treating the indexed data item indexedDataName as a Python object and calling the InsertRow function on this object, for example inserting a new line section before section 4:

line.Length.InsertRow(3) # zero-based indexing

In the following example the rowCount property of an indexed data item is used to add a row to the end of a curved plate profile table:

numOfRows = curvedPlate.ProfileDiameter.rowCount



DeleteDataRow(indexedDataName, index)

This function deletes the row, index, from the table of an indexed data item, indexedDataName. See the C API documentation C_DeleteDataRow. The Python interface enables an alternative form of this function call by treating the indexed data item indexedDataName as a Python object and calling the DeleteRow function on this object, for example deleting the third section from a line:

line.Length.DeleteRow(2) # zero-based indexing


A mapping object (i.e. supporting the same interface as a Python dict object) representing the object's tags. If the object does not support tags then None is returned.

As well as implementing the mapping interface, tags can be accessed using attribute syntax as an extra convenience.

lineType = model["Line type1"]


# mapping syntax

lineType.tags["foo"] = "bar"

assert lineType.tags["foo"] == "bar"

del lineType.tags["foo"]

assert not "foo" in lineType.tags


# attribute syntax = "bar"

assert == "bar"


assert not "foo" in lineType.tags


AssignWireFrameFromPanelMesh(filename, format, symmetry, importOrigin=None, wireFrameType=WireFrameType.Panels, scale=1, bodyNumber=1, importDryPanels=True)

Imports the panel mesh file named filename, and then set the object's wire frame drawing data based on the imported panel mesh.

The format parameter specifies the format of the panel mesh file, and can be one of the following:

The symmetry parameter must be one of PanelMeshSymmetry.none, PanelMeshSymmetry.XZ, PanelMeshSymmetry.YZ or PanelMeshSymmetry.XZYZ. When symmetry is specified, the panel mesh should only contain panels on one side of the symmetry plane (PanelMeshSymmetry.XZ, PanelMeshSymmetry.YZ) or in one quadrant (PanelMeshSymmetry.XZYZ).

The importOrigin defines the location of the mesh file body origin, specified relative to the object body origin. If None is passed then the import origin is assumed to be zero.

The wireFrameType determines whether the mesh is specified by edges or panels. It must be one of WireFrameType.Edges or WireFrameType.Panels.

The scale parameter is used to scale the imported vertices. This is useful when you wish to convert between different length units. Pass 1 to import the mesh without scaling.

The bodyNumber parameter is used to specify the body to import, in the case where the mesh file contains multiple bodies.

The importDryPanels parameter determines whether or not all panels will be imported (that is both wet diffracting panels and dry panels), or just the panels that are specified as being wet.


clone = source.CreateClone(name=None, model=None)

This function creates a new object that is a clone of another source object. The newly created cloned object will have identical data to the source object.

The name parameter is an optional text value required for a non-default object name. If the parameter is omitted then OrcaFlex creates a unique default name. The optional model parameter allows you to specify which model the newly created object is created in. If this parameter is omitted then the new object is created in the same model as the source object.

This function is implemented using C_CreateClone2.

If you need to clone multiple objects, or browser groups, use the model function CreateClones instead.



Returns an array of the sample times falling within the specified period, where period is a Period object. If period is omitted then the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results.

If the model uses either the implicit or explicit time domain dynamics solution methods, this function returns the sample times that fall within the simulation period defined by period. It is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetNumOfSamples and C_GetSampleTimes.

If the model uses the frequency domain dynamics solution method, this function returns the sample times for a synthesised time history, over the specified period, with a sample interval specified by the model data FrequencyDomainSampleInterval. It is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleCount and C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleTimes.



Returns the number of samples in the specified period. The period argument is interpreted in the same way as by the SampleTimes method.


SampleTimesCollated(period=None, restartModels=None)

Returns an array of the sample times falling within the specified period, collated for the specified restart models. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

If period is omitted then all sample times are returned. For a specified period, a value of OrcinaDefaultReal() for FromTime or ToTime means the first sample of the first model or the last sample of the last model, respectively.

The restartModels argument is an iterable of integer indices specifying which models are to be included. You can use restartFileNames to obtain the file names of the models in the restart chain, and also the length of the restart chain. If restartModels is omitted, then all models in the restart chain are included.

vars, varDetails

vars(resultType=ResultType.TimeHistory, objectExtra=None)

varDetails(resultType=ResultType.TimeHistory, objectExtra=None)

vars returns a list of result variable names. The resultType parameter is the result type required from the select results form in OrcaFlex: ResultType.TimeHistory, ResultType.RangeGraph, ResultType.LinkedStatistics or ResultType.FrequencyDomain. If omitted the default is ResultType.TimeHistory. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is only required in specific cases, and is omitted or set to None otherwise. See C_EnumerateVars2.

varDetails is very similar but instead the list contains more details for each variable. Each item in the list is an object with the following attributes:


ObjectExtraFieldRequired(varName, field)

Returns a boolean indicating whether the specified results variable requires a particular object extra field.

varName is the name of the results variable. field specifies the object extra field and can be one of the following:



Returns a list of the object extra fields required for the results variable specified by varName.



Returns a value identifying at which points results are reported along a line, a turbine blade or a Morison element.

varName is the name of the results variable. The return value can be one of the following:



Returns the scaling factor required to convert between the values in the model unit system, and the SI unit system. Multiply by this conversion factor to convert a value from SI units into model units. Divide by this conversion factor to convert a value from model units into SI units.

units is a string which defines the units of the value to be converted. The string is made up of zero or more fundamental components, separated by ".". The fundamental components are of the form "<base_unit>^N", where <base_unit> denotes the physical quantity, e.g. length, mass, etc., and N is the exponent. If the exponent is omitted then its value is taken to be 1.

The possible values for the base unit are:

The following examples demonstrate how to specify some commonly used units:


TimeHistory(varNames, period=None, objectExtra=None)

Returns time histories for the specified variable name(s). period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None then the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. objectExtra is only required for specific results, and is otherwise omitted.

If varNames contains a string, then a single time history is returned. If varNames contains a tuple or list of strings, then a 2D numpy array is returned. The rows of the array correspond to the time axis, and each specified variable is a column in the array.

If the model uses either the implicit or explicit time domain dynamics solution methods, this function is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetVarID, C_GetNumOfSamples and C_GetTimeHistory2. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

If the model uses the frequency domain dynamics solution method, this function returns a time history synthesised from the frequency domain process, over the specified period, with a sample interval specified by the model data FrequencyDomainSampleInterval. The static value is added to the time history before it is returned. The function is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsProcess, C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleCount and C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistoryFromProcess.


StaticResult(varNames, objectExtra=None)

This function is equivalent to the following:

TimeHistory(varNames, Period(PeriodNum.StaticState), objectExtra)[0]


TimeHistoryCollated(varNames, period=None, objectExtra=None, restartModels=None)

Returns time histories for the specified variable name(s), that fall within the specified period, collated for the specified restart models. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

If period is omitted then all sample times are returned. For a specified period, a value of OrcinaDefaultReal() for FromTime or ToTime means the first sample of the first model or the last sample of the last model, respectively.

objectExtra is only required for specific results, and is otherwise omitted.

The restartModels argument is an iterable of integer indices specifying which models are to be included. You can use restartFileNames to obtain the file names of the models in the restart chain, and also the length of the restart chain. If restartModels is omitted, then all models in the restart chain are included.


SpectralDensity(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None, fundamentalFrequency=None)

Returns the spectral density in an object with attributes X and Y containing the X axis values and Y axis values. varName is the result name for which the spectral density is required. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some varNames.

For time domain dynamics this is calculated by FFT from time history, as described in C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2. fundamentalFrequency specifies the minimum, or fundamental, frequency of the spectral density calculation. If this value is omitted, the value specified in the model (on the General data form) is used.

For frequency domain dynamics the spectral density is available as a direct output from the frequency domain solution, by calling the C API function C_GetFrequencyDomainSpectralDensityGraph. The period and fundamentalFrequency parameters are not required for frequency domain spectral density derivation and so can be omitted.

EmpiricalDistribution, RainflowHalfCycles, UnorderedRainflowHalfCycles, RainflowAssociatedMean

These methods return time history summary results as described in C_CreateTimeHistorySummary2.

EmpiricalDistribution(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

RainflowHalfCycles(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

UnorderedRainflowHalfCycles(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

RainflowAssociatedMean(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

varName is the result name for which the time history summary is required. period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some object types and results variables.

The return value of EmpiricalDistribution is an object containing attributes named X and Y. These contain the result value and the associated distribution, respectively.

The value returned by RainflowHalfCycles and UnorderedRainflowHalfCycles is an array containing the rainflow half-cycle ranges. The array returned by RainflowHalfCycles is ordered.

The value returned by RainflowAssociatedMean is an object containing attributes named HalfCycleRange, AssociatedMean and Rratio containing the half-cycle ranges, their associated mean values and the corresponding R ratio values.


Returns a tuple containing the binned rainflow cycles for the specified time history result variable.

CycleHistogramBins(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None, binSize=None)

varName is the result name for which the time history summary is required. period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some object types and results variables. binSize determines the width of each bin. The first bin covers the range 0 to binSize, the second bin covers the range binSize to 2*binSize, etc. If None is passed then OrcaFlex chooses a default bin size based on the range of the data and the total number of cycles.

The return value is a tuple containing the cycle bins. Each element of the tuple is an object containing attributes named Value and Count, corresponding to the fields of the C API type TCycleBin.


SpectralResponseRAO(varName, objectExtra=None)

varName is the result name for which the spectral response is required. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some varNames, and is otherwise omitted. This functions calls the C API function C_GetSpectralResponseGraph and returns an object with attributes X and Y containing the X axis values and Y axis values.


AnalyseExtrema(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

This function calls the C API function C_AnalyseExtrema. It returns an object with the following attributes: Max, Min, IndexOfMax, IndexOfMin. varName is the result name for which extrema are required. period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None then the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some specific varNames, and is omitted otherwise.


ExtremeStatistics(self, varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

The varName parameter is the result name, period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None then the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some varNames, and is omitted otherwise. This function returns an ExtremeStatistics object.


LinkedStatistics(self, varNames, period=None, objectExtra=None)

The varNames parameter is a list of result names of interest, period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None then the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some varNames, and is omitted otherwise. This function returns a LinkedStatistics object.


TimeSeriesStatistics(varName, period=None, objectExtra=None)

This function calls the C API function C_CalculateTimeSeriesStatistics and returns a TimeSeriesStats object. The TimeSeriesStats object represents the C API structure TTimeSeriesStatistics and has the same attributes. The parameter period is a Period object, if omitted or set to None the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. The parameter objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some varNames, and is omitted otherwise.


FrequencyDomainResults(varName, objectExtra=None)

Extracts frequency domain results. The model must use the frequency domain dynamics solution method and be in the simulation complete state. The function returns an object with the same attributes as the C API TFrequencyDomainResults structure. varName is the result name for which the frequency domain results are required. objectExtra is an ObjectExtra object that is required for some varNames. This function is implemented with a call to the C API function C_GetFrequencyDomainResults.


FrequencyDomainMPM(varName, stormDurationHours, objectExtra=None)

Calculates the most probable maximum for a frequency domain result. stormDurationHours specifies the storm duration in hours. The other parameters are the same as passed to FrequencyDomainResults.

The value returned is the Rayleigh extremes MPM given by σ[2ln(T/Tz)]½ where σ is the standard deviation, T is the storm duration and Tz is the mean up-crossing period.


FrequencyDomainResultsProcess(varName, objectExtra=None)

Extracts frequency domain results expressed as a process. The model must use the frequency domain dynamics solution method and be in the simulation complete state. The function returns a numpy array of complex values. This function is implemented with a call to the C API function C_GetFrequencyDomainResultsProcess.

In typical usage the process will be linearly combined with other processes and then passed to the FrequencyDomainResultsFromProcess, FrequencyDomainSpectralDensityFromProcess or FrequencyDomainSpectralResponseRAOFromProcess methods of Model.


SaveSummaryResults(filename, abbreviated=True)

Saves summary results tables for an OrcaFlex object to filename. The file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a tab delimited file (.txt) or a comma separated file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheet.

If abbreviated is True then the abbreviated summary results will be output. Note that abbreviated results tables are only available for certain objects, e.g. lines and turbines.


SaveSummaryResultsMem(spreadsheetFileType=SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx, abbreviated=True)

Saves summary results tables for an OrcaFlex object, returning them as a bytearray object. The spreadsheetFileType parameter can be either SpreadsheetFileType.Csv, SpreadsheetFileType.Tab or SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx to specify the spreadsheet format. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheetMem.

If abbreviated is True then the abbreviated summary results will be output. Note that abbreviated results tables are only available for certain objects, e.g. lines and turbines.



Saves the detailed properties of an OrcaFlex object to filename. The file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a tab delimited file (.txt) or a comma separated file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheet.



Saves the detailed properties of an OrcaFlex object, returning them as a bytearray object. The spreadsheetFileType parameter can be either SpreadsheetFileType.Csv, SpreadsheetFileType.Tab or SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx to specify the spreadsheet format. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheetMem.