Python reference: OrcaFlexWizardObject

The class OrcaFlexWizardObject is the Python interface representation used for a line type or a bending stiffness variable data source. The reason for its existence is purely to provide access to the C API function C_InvokeWizard which operates either on a line type or a bending stiffness variable data source.

This class subclasses OrcaFlexObject so offers the same attributes and methods, with the addition of the wizard specific methods described here.


A new OrcaFlexWizardObject is created from a Model object like this:

lineType = model.CreateObject(ObjectType.LineType, "Line type1")

Where the OrcaFlex line type already exists, you use the following syntax:

lineType = model["Line type1"]

For a bending stiffness variable data item these calls become:

stiffness1 = model.CreateObject(ObjectType.BendingStiffness, "Bending stiffness1")

stiffness2 = model["Bending Stiffness2"] # refer to existing object

Attributes and methods

InvokeWizard (for a line type)


This function invokes the line type wizard in OrcaFlex. Before calling this function the line type wizard data items need to be set. For example to create a rope/wire line type:

lineType = model["Line type1"]

lineType.WizardCalculation = "Rope/wire"

lineType.RopeNominalDiameter = 0.03

lineType.RopeConstruction = "6x19 wire with fibre core"


InvokeWizard (for a bending stiffness variable data source)


This function invokes the plasticity wizard in OrcaFlex. Before calling this function the appropriate data items need to be set. For example:

stiffness = model["Bending stiffness1"]

stiffness.StressOD = 0.30

stiffness.StressID = 0.27

stiffness.Type = "Stress-strain table"

stiffness.Strain = [0, 1, 5]

stiffness.Stress = [0, 380000, 400000]


stiffness.Hysteretic = False

This function calls the C API function C_InvokeWizard.