Python reference: Model

The class Model is the Python interface representation of an OrcaFlex model.


Model(filename=None, threadCount=None, handle=None)

The constructor creates a new OrcaFlex model object. If the optional filename parameter is specified then the constructor attempts to open this as a simulation file first and as a data file second. The optional threadCount parameter specifies the number of processing threads used for simulations, if omitted then the default is the number of processing cores of the computer. If the optional handle parameter is specified (from another Model instance) the new model instance will refer to the same underlying OrcaFlex model. The handle is used internally, and by external functions, and is not intended for general use. If both filename and handle are omitted, or are None, then an empty model is created. See C_CreateModel and C_CreateModel2.

When the Python garbage collector destroys this object, and it has ownership of the Python objects it contains, then C_DestroyModel is called.

Attributes and methods


This property returns a ViewParameters object with the attributes set to default values. See C_GetDefaultViewParameters.


This property returns a tuple of all the objects in the OrcaFlex model.

Individual objects can be accessed directly by treating the model itself as the dictionary. For example, obj = model["MyObjectName"] will assign an instance of the object called "MyObjectName". The standard Python mapping interface can be used, including the in operator, the get, keys, values and items methods, etc.


This property returns the simulation start time.


This property returns the simulation stop time.


This property returns true if the simulation has completed. See C_GetSimulationComplete.


Identifies the current state of the OrcaFlex model returned by C_GetModelState.

dongleName, dongleAccessMode, donglePort, dongleServer, licenceFileLocation

Properties that give details of the dongle used to provide the OrcaFlex licence. These properties are not available for FlexNet licences.


A string detailing how the OrcaFlex licence is provided. This property is available for both dongle and FlexNet licences.


The name of file that was most recently loaded or saved.

This property can also be assigned to. This is sometimes necessary when loading memory files in order to provide a root for relative paths.


The model type, one of the following: ModelType.Standard, ModelType.Variation or ModelType.Restart.

It is possible to set this property to ModelType.Standard, but attempts to assign a value of ModelType.Variation or ModelType.Restart are not allowed. In order to create new variation models or restart analysis models, use NewVariationModel() or NewRestartAnalysis().


A boolean property that determines whether or not the group structure is output when saving text data files for ModelType.Variation or ModelType.Restart model types.


A property returning the full chain of parent file names for a restart analysis model.


A property returning the full chain of file names for a restart analysis model, including this model, and the parent models.


A boolean property that indicates whether the model uses frequency domain dynamics.


A boolean property that indicates whether the model uses time domain dynamics.

suppress check for dead internal links, OrcaFlex help file links to this target


A boolean property that indicates whether the simulation can be resumed after having been saved and then loaded.


The target simulation times where mid-simulation restart state will be recorded.


The actual simulation times where mid-simulation restart state have been recorded. These can differ from the target times if the simulation times do not happen to fall exactly at target times.


Indicates whether a line in the model has exceeded its Euler buckling limit during the simulation.


This property is used to get or set the simulation time used by the SaveModelView and SaveModelViewMem functions. See C_GetSimulationDrawTime and C_SetSimulationDrawTime.


This property returns an object with attributes StartTime, StopTime and CurrentTime. See C_GetSimulationTimeStatus.


This property returns the estimated remaining runtime for a long simulation, see C_GetSimulationTimeToGo.


This property returns a structure with attributes InnerTimeStep and OuterTimeStep. See C_GetRecommendedTimeSteps.



This method returns True if the optional module identified the module parameter is enabled. See the C API function C_ModuleEnabled.


The threadCount property gets and sets the number of processing threads the model can use. See C_GetModelThreadCount and C_SetModelThreadCount.


This property returns the first child in the model's group structure.

staticsProgressHandler, dynamicsProgressHandler, progressHandler, batchProgressHandler

Progress handler callback functions can be assigned with these attributes. The staticsProgressHandler is called during CalculateStatics() and InvokeLineSetupWizard() (see StaticsProgressHandlerProc), the dynamicsProgressHandler is called while the simulation is running (see DynamicsProgressHandlerProc) and progressHandler is called during TOrcFxAPIHandle running operations (such as Load and Save operations, see C_SetProgressHandler). The batchProgressHandler is called when running a batch script (see BatchScriptProgressHandlerProc and ProcessBatchScript). The function signatures for these progress handlers are:

def StaticsProgress(model, progress)

def DynamicsProgress(model, time, start, stop)

def PercentProgress(model, percent)

def BatchProgress(model, progress)

The progress handler functions should return False to continue processing or True to cancel the operation. PauseSimulation() can be called from within the dynamics progress handler.

Warning: There is a bug in Python, introduced in version 3.8.0 (32 bit only), which results in Python crashing when using dynamicsProgressHandler.


This property returns a list of any warning texts generated by a model. This property combines calls to C_GetNumOfWarnings and C_GetWarningText in the API.


This property returns a list of WaveComponent objects. See C_GetWaveComponents2.


This property returns a list of WindComponent objects. See C_GetWindComponents.


This property returns a list of FrequencyDomainProcessComponent objects. See C_GetFrequencyDomainProcessComponents2.

AttachToThread, DetachFromThread



Models have affinity to a particular thread. That is, all calls to functions which operate on a particular model, or objects within that model, must be made from the same thread. When a model is created it has affinity to the thread in which it is created. A model can be assigned affinity to a different thread by taking the following steps:

  1. Call DetachFromThread from the thread to which the model currently has affinity.
  2. Call AttachToThread from a different thread, after which the model will have affinity to this thread.


The CreateObject method creates a new model object and returns either an OrcaFlexObject or one of its subclasses, according to the object type requested. This method calls C_CreateObject.

CreateObject(type, name=None)

The type parameter corresponds to the ObjectType value required by C_CreateObject. The name parameter is an optional text value required for a non-default object name. If the parameter is omitted then OrcaFlex creates a unique default name.



This method removes an object from the model, where obj is the Python object reference to an OrcaFlex object, or a string containing the name of an object in the model. See C_DestroyObject.


CreateClones(objects, model=None)

This function creates new objects that are clones of an existing collections of objects. The newly created cloned objects will have identical data to the source objects.

The new objects will be created in the model specified by the model parameter. If this parameter is omitted then the new objects will be created in this model.



Delete any types (e.g. line types, clump types etc.) that are not in use.



Delete any variable data sources that are not in use.



Discards any active calculation and returns the model to the reset state.



Removes all objects from the model, returns the general and environment data to their default values and sets the model to be a standard model.



Sets the model to be a variation model based on the specified parentFileName.



Sets the model to be a restart analysis based on the specified parentFileName.

DefaultInMemoryLogging, DisableInMemoryLogging, ForceInMemoryLogging




These functions allow you to control the logging storage policy for the model. For more details, see the documentation for the C API function C_DisableInMemoryLogging.



Enables virtual logging for this model. When virtual logging is enabled, log files are not created, and post-processing is performed by reading directly from the simulation file. For more details, see the documentation for the C API function C_UseVirtualLogging.



Load model data from filename. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

Binary or text data files can be loaded.


LoadDataMem(buffer, dataFileType=DataFileType.Binary)

Load model data from buffer which should be a bytes or bytearray instance. The dataFileType parameter can be either DataFileType.Binary or DataFileType.Text to specify the data format.

If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.



Save the model data to filename. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

If the file extension is '.yml' then a text data file will be saved; otherwise a binary data file will be saved.



Saves the model data returning it as a bytearray object. The dataFileType parameter can be either DataFileType.Binary or DataFileType.Text to specify the data format.

If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.



Load a simulation file from filename. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.



Load a simulation from buffer which should be a bytes or bytearray instance. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.



Save a simulation to filename. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.



Saves the simulation returning it as a bytearray object. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.



Run a statics calulation on the model. See C_CalculateStatics. If a staticsProgressHandler has been set this will be repeatedly called during the statics calculation.


RunSimulation(enableAutoSave=False, autoSaveIntervalMinutes=DefaultAutoSaveIntervalMinutes, autoSaveFileName=None)

RunSimulation() # Autosave disabled

RunSimulation(True, 10, "AutoSaved.sim") # Autosave every 10 minutes to AutoSaved.sim

RunSimulation(True, autoSaveFileName="AutoSaved.sim") # Autosave using the default interval

Run a simulation, including calculating statics if the model is in reset state. See C_RunSimulation2. The parameters are only required if autosave is needed, if no parameters are specified then autosave is disabled by default. If the autoSaveIntervalMinutes parameter is omitted and enableAutoSave is true then the default autosave interval, DefaultAutoSaveIntervalMinutes, is used (60 minutes). If a dynamicsProgressHandler has been set this will be repeatedly called while the simulation is in progress.



This function extends a simulation by adding a new stage with a duration of time. This function can only be called when the model is either paused or completed. See the C API function C_ExtendSimulation.



Pauses a running simulation, this method should be called from within a dynamics progress handler. See C_PauseSimulation.


ProcessBatchScript(filename, enableAutoSave=False, autoSaveIntervalMinutes=DefaultAutoSaveIntervalMinutes, autoSaveFileName=None)

ProcessBatchScript(filename) # Run the batch script in filename with no auto save.

ProcessBatchScript(filename, True, autoSaveFileName="AutoSaved.sim") # Run batch script with auto saving at the default interval.

ProcessBatchScript(filename, True, 10, "AutoSaved.sim") # Run batch script with auto saving at 10 minute intervals.

This function runs an OrcaFlex batch script file, filename. The autosave parameters are optional, see RunSimulation(). Callbacks will be made to the following progess handlers if they are defined: batchProgressHandler, staticsProgressHandler and dynamicsProgressHandler. See the documentation for the C API function C_ProcessBatchScript.



Invokes the line setup wizard calculation. The input data for the wizard should first be set using data assignment commands. These data are owned by a variety of different objects. The model wide data (e.g. calculation mode and convergence parameters) are owned by the general object. The line specific data are owned by each individual line. The following script illustrates this:

model = Model("inputfile.dat")

model.general.LineSetupCalculationMode = "Calculate line lengths"

model.general.LineSetupMaxDamping = 20

model["Line1"].LineSetupTargetVariable = "Tension"

model["Line1"].LineSetupLineEnd = "End A"

model["Line1"].LineSetupTargetValue = 830.0

model["Line2"].LineSetupIncluded = "No"




When called with the SetLinesToUserSpecifiedStartingShape set to its default value of False this is equivalent to the Model | Use calculated positions menu item in OrcaFlex. When SetLinesToUserSpecifiedStartingShape is set to True this is equivalent to the Model | Use specified starting shape for lines menu item in OrcaFlex.



This is equivalent to the Model | Use static line end orientations menu item in OrcaFlex.


SaveModelView(filename, viewParameters=None)

Saves a bitmap of the view defined in viewParameters to filename. If viewParameters is omitted then a default ViewParameters object is used. You can obtain a default ViewParameters object by calling defaultViewParameters. See C_SaveModel3DViewBitmapToFile.



Saves a bitmap of the view defined in viewParameters returning it as a bytearray object. If viewParameters is omitted then a default ViewParameters object is used. You can obtain a default ViewParameters object by calling defaultViewParameters. See C_SaveModel3DViewBitmapMem.



Saves an OrcaFlex wave search spreadsheet to filename. The file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a tab delimited file (.txt) or a comma separated file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheet.



Saves an OrcaFlex wave search spreadsheet, returning it as a bytearray object. The spreadsheetFileType parameter can be either SpreadsheetFileType.Csv, SpreadsheetFileType.Tab or SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx to specify the spreadsheet format. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheetMem.



Saves the OrcaFlex line types properties spreadsheet to filename. The file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a tab delimited file (.txt) or a comma separated file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheet.



Saves the OrcaFlex line types properties spreadsheet, returning it as a bytearray object. The spreadsheetFileType parameter can be either SpreadsheetFileType.Csv, SpreadsheetFileType.Tab or SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx to specify the spreadsheet format. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheetMem.



Saves the OrcaFlex code checks properties spreadsheet to filename. The file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a tab delimited file (.txt) or a comma separated file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheet.



Saves the OrcaFlex code checks properties spreadsheet, returning it as a bytearray object. The spreadsheetFileType parameter can be either SpreadsheetFileType.Csv, SpreadsheetFileType.Tab or SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx to specify the spreadsheet format. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheetMem.



Returns an array of the sample times falling within the specified period, where period is a Period object. If period is omitted then the default value depends on the model state, see Python interface: Results. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

If the model uses either the implicit or explicit time domain dynamics solution methods, this function returns the sample times that fall within the simulation period defined by period. It is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetNumOfSamples and C_GetSampleTimes.

If the model uses the frequency domain dynamics solution method, this function returns the sample times for a synthesised time history, over the specified period, with a sample interval specified by the model data FrequencyDomainSampleInterval. It is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleCount and C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleTimes.



Returns the number of samples in the specified period. The period argument is interpreted in the same way as by the SampleTimes method. This method is typically used only when implementing OrcaFlex user defined results.


SampleTimesCollated(period=None, restartModels=None)

Returns an array of the sample times falling within the specified period, collated for the specified restart models. If a progressHandler has been set, it will be called during this operation.

If period is omitted then all sample times are returned. For a specified period, a value of OrcinaDefaultReal() for FromTime or ToTime means the first sample of the first model or the last sample of the last model, respectively.

The restartModels argument is an iterable of integer indices specifying which models are to be included. You can use restartFileNames to obtain the file names of the models in the restart chain, and also the length of the restart chain. If restartModels is omitted, then all models in the restart chain are included.


SaveSummaryResults(filename, abbreviated=True)

Saves summary results tables for all objects to filename. The file can be an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx or .xls), a tab delimited file (.txt) or a comma separated file (.csv). The decision is taken based on the file extension that you specify. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheet.

If abbreviated is True then the abbreviated summary results will be output. Note that abbreviated results tables are only available for certain objects, e.g. lines and turbines.


SaveSummaryResultsMem(spreadsheetFileType=SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx, abbreviated=True)

Saves summary results tables for all objects, returning them as a bytearray object. The spreadsheetFileType parameter can be either SpreadsheetFileType.Csv, SpreadsheetFileType.Tab or SpreadsheetFileType.Xlsx to specify the spreadsheet format. This method is implemented by calling C_SaveSpreadsheetMem.

If abbreviated is True then the abbreviated summary results will be output. Note that abbreviated results tables are only available for certain objects, e.g. lines and turbines.

FrequencyDomainResultsFromProcess, FrequencyDomainSpectralDensityFromProcess, FrequencyDomainSpectralResponseRAOFromProcess




Analogous to the FrequencyDomainResults, SpectralDensity and SpectralResponseRAO methods of OrcaFlexObject, respectively. Instead of returning results for a specified variable name, these functions instead return results for a specified process. Typically the process is obtained by linearly combining processes returned from calls to FrequencyDomainResultsProcess.


FrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleTimes(period, sampleInterval=None)

Returns the sample times for a synthesised time history, over the specified period and sample interval. If sampleInterval is not specified, the model data FrequencyDomainSampleInterval is used. It is implemented with calls to the C API function C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleCount.


FrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleCount(period, sampleInterval=None)

Returns the number of samples in the specified period. The arguments are interpreted in the same way as by the FrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleTimes method.


ExecutePostCalculationActions(filename, actionType, treatExecutionErrorsAsWarnings=False)

Executes the post calculation actions for the specified actionType which can be either PostCalculationActionType.InProcPython or PostCalculationActionType.CmdScript.

The filename is the name of the simulation file associated with the model. This name will be passed to the post calculation action.

Pass true to treatExecutionErrorsAsWarnings if you wish errors that occur during action execution to be treated as OrcaFlex warnings. Pass false if you want such errors to be treated as errors and so raise Python exceptions.


FrequencyDomainTimeHistoryFromProcess(process, period=None, sampleInterval=None)

Analogous to the TimeHistory method of OrcaFlexObject. Instead of returning results for a specified variable name, this functions instead returns a synthesised time history for a specified process with a sample interval specified by the sampleInterval parameter. If the sampleInterval parameter is omitted then the model data FrequencyDomainSampleInterval is used. Typically the process is obtained by linearly combining processes returned from calls to FrequencyDomainResultsProcess.

Unlike a call to the TimeHistory method, the static value associated with the process in unknown and so can not be added to the time history before it is returned, i.e. the synthesised time history contains just the dynamic component of the value. The function is implemented with calls to the C API functions C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistorySampleCount and C_GetFrequencyDomainTimeHistoryFromProcess.